March 24, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Kitchen Garden Fermentation Course | The Complete Introduction for Gardeners

  1. I have no problem with paying for courses, however you might have mentioned the price in the promo video. It gives the impression that email addresses are being harvested, when people only find out the price after signing up.

  2. Seriously—what a delicious looking promo video!
    Just signed up from the USA and can’t wait to learn how to make all these ferments.
    What a great collaboration! Thank you for creating this course.

  3. Iv had 3 crops of potatos this year, rotating, i planted more in August, and only one bed hasn't gone bad, black and rotten at bottom, im a novice, this is my first year, any idea what it is?? Thanks

  4. I've worked with fermenting with family recipes only so kimchi, radish, and peppers. I know there is so much more and definitely want to expand my repertoire. Thank you huw for all the ideas and info over the years. I will definitely check your course out.

  5. Thanks Huw. Love your channel and your books. Apologies if this is a stupid question, but does fermenting veg mean turning it into booze? Is all fermentation alcohol fermentation?

  6. Just an advertisement. Charging for knowledge is not part of the spirit of community and sharing.. When I start my youtube channel I will make sure to never charge people for sharing my knowlegde. 30 pounds? No way Jose!

  7. Hi I see that i may be a but late for the course, however there are no course dates and I am very much interested. Also on the website there are individual prices but also a price for a lifetime does the lifetime cover all the course please?

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