Cultivate and wait is an old farmer trick to reducing weed pressure, but it is one that not only really works but it helps to stop future weeds from germinating.
VIDEO: How to Reduce Weed Pressure by 95% By Cultivating & Waiting
Cultivate and wait is an old farmer trick to reducing weed pressure, but it is one that not only really works but it helps to stop future weeds from germinating.
So smart.
Can't wait to put this wisdom into practice!
Well put sir
Great advice – I now know why my attempt to take over an allotment didn't work, and why the weeds drowned out the crop seeds I planted. Thanks.
This is great information! I had never heard to wait after cultivating and this may be why I struggle with so may weeds. Thanks Luke!
Great tip! Thanks!
So how do you keep the weeds out of asparagus?
I’m so glad you did this video. I have a question that I’m hoping you can help with. I have a lot of tomato and sorghum that I haven’t done anything with yet. I’m in the pacific north west so we get a lot of rain. I want to drop them to add to the soil but I don’t know if I should chop them and leave the roots in the ground, or if I should just pull them roots and all. Do you know which is better for my wet winter environment? We spent thousands on compost and getting the ground ready to garden since we just moved to the area.
I actually do not want to reduce my “weed pressure”.
Cultivate and wait is a very underrated key to weed reduction
Omg thank you!!!! This is so simply smart.
Well, that makes sense
I didn't know to water while I wait after cultivate. Makes sense.
Thanks for the common sense advice. It makes a lot of sense, yet why have I not been doing this?
Wow! Thank you.
That is such a fantastic idea! Do you ever burn weed seeds with a portable weed burner on the surface?
large amounts of weed devastate grass lawns
Now I'm starting to get it! Yay!! …and I like to use old hay as a mulch! (But it may bring on more flies! Ugh!)
Ty Luke! I needed this!
Great thoughts Luke, I'll be cleaning up my veggie patch today and top-dressing. Now, I'll wait, instead of planting out.
Yet another great piece of advice. Never heard of this and it makes so much sense! I just did the opposite of what Luke said – planted right after I pulled a couple of tomato plants. Live and Learn from Luke!
excellent advice
Very good suggestions and reminders in this video, thank you. Also I'm sorry that I left a negative comment a few videos ago when I didn't like an analogy you made. It was rude and I apologize.