March 13, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Garlic | Simple Steps for HUGE Yields

Garlic is one of the most fantastic crops we can grow in our vegetable gardens, and this video shows you how to grow garlic at home or at your allotment and enjoy a huge harvest from it! Growing garlic is easy, requires little maintenance and is highly-productive, and autumn and winter are the perfect time to plant garlic. You will learn the different types of garlic, the best time to plant garlic, dealing with garlic issues, when to harvest garlic, how to cure garlic, becoming self sufficient in garlic and lots more!

Green Garlic Recipes:

Watch next – The Simple Way to Become Self Sufficient in Food:

-✒️Online Courses-
Planting Plan Short Course:
More Food Less Effort Course:
Kitchen Garden Fermentation:



Awesome clothing designed for vegetable gardeners:

Introduction 0:00
3 Things You Must Know 0:04
When to Plant Garlic 0:29
The Different Garlic Types 0:54
Prepping the Bed 2:13
How to Plant Garlic 2:27
Easy Way to Increase Yields 3:04
After Planting Care 3:40
Garlic Disease & Control 3:58
Garlic Watering Tip 4:58
The Different Garlic Harvests 5:10
Best Crop to Plant After Garlic 6:00
How To Cure Garlic 6:22
Additional Garlic Storage Idea 7:11
Being Self Sufficient in Garlic 7:24

#selfsufficiency #gardeningtips #permaculture

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Garlic | Simple Steps for HUGE Yields

  1. Thanks for the video Huw. Would you be able to share the details of where you buy your garlic bulbs for planting as I find the ones in garden shops way overpriced in UK. We will be moving to your neck of the woods a few farms across the road very soon 🙂 so hopefully will run into you at the next agricultural show.

  2. Very intetesting. Did not know there were soft and hard neck varieties. Southern hemisphere grower here. Planted 300 cloves of elepant garlic back in late June. Elephant garlic doesn't get rust. Love it!

  3. Hi do you get allium leaf miner? I’ve had it on my leeks this year and have just planted our garlic elsewhere but I may well cover it even I see it come through

  4. I've been growing garlic for a few years, but have had issues. You have answered all my questions and (I think!) solved all my problems. Thank you so much, Huw.

  5. The optimal arrangement for a symmetrical garden plot is still the traditional rows, geometrically speaking. (Calc by drawing circles.) The criss-cross becomes optimal only when the plot doesn't quite fit the optimal distancing the crop needs. Easy sol: plant straight rows, if awkward left over space exists, use the criss-cross to max that margin.

  6. Hewge yields – and perfect, distinct English. Thank you very much and have a nice day…ah, and do not forget that you can work with one snail eating the other one, with one snake eating the first snail, and with a cat eating the snake a.s.o…a little more of the "biotopic" or even "biutopic" way, I'd say…the problem is not mentioned in this video, still I want to leave the hint here…have a good time, and go on!

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