March 17, 2025

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Does Planting $200 of Garlic Look Like?

  1. Good video! Thanks for making these! Planted 200 cloves on Sunday. Have another 200 to do later this week. Garlic prices very greatly. Got mine from an organic farm in NY this year, quality product at a reasonable price. There are also good sources in Wisconsin, Maine, and other nearby places. You should do a video on overwintering spinach. I tried that this year for the first time. Used metal hoops and Agribonnet. Planted in September and had a huge crop in March/April.

  2. Luke you can barter with a friend to get garlic from them to give some seeds to them from a GREAT Tomatoes Plant something you can't find or maybe purple string beans that is what I did with a neighbor across the street then I had some other things she liked Oh Oh we have had some trading off of seeds it is fun to do !!! Also some times I have to many strawberries plants she has those now !!!

  3. This isn't well organized or presented for a "first time HOWTO". The recommended planting date is buried around the 7 minute mark. You don't teach people that have ever only grown spring & summer plants that frost prediction calendars/charts exist or point them to one you trust. And finally, you don't mention at all how deep you're planting. It looks like you're just barely covering the clove, but then you're going to come back and cover with mulch later I assume. And you might even apply compost on top making them even deeper. I don't know, because you didn't say.

  4. OMG I just ate the first clove of garlic from my garden YESTERDAY and it was the most garlicy tasting garlic I've ever had! 100% organic. 100% delicious! I know it was late but for some reason none of my plants produced this year until September, including the tomatoes! Idk why. Thanks, Luke, for always having timely videos!

  5. I spent 100.00 dollars on hardback garlic from cali..did nothing..I also grew 7.00 dollars worth from my local amish…ended up with nothing from the cali…125 plants of huge garlic from the amish..I saved back in July and replanted my seed garlic…hoping for another bumper crop

  6. Luke!!! Help… do you keep the bulbs exposed or cover the spots where you pushed them down with soil? I’ve watched two of your garlic videos and it seems like you leave the garlic exposed. I planted mine a week ago and covered them with the soil. Do I need to reveal them again? Thanks.

  7. New gardener question here. After planting garlic in the fall, do you have to continue to water it or does it go dormant. I live in Houston zone 9 if that makes a difference. Thanks

  8. I planted about 100 cloves 2-3 weeks ago, right before our first freeze date. Is there anything I can do to save them? They are sprouting! Would covering them with more dirt or mulch help?

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