March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Are YOU a HOARDER if You Prep?

Are you a hoarder? A convo with this couple!
What does Mr. James think?
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Are YOU a HOARDER if You Prep?

  1. I have been prepping for many years. We live in a small town in upper E TN. Only one small grocery store. We have had several incidents of extended power outages, mountain slides closing major roadways, and totally unable to get in and out. Because of preparedness, we never missed a need. Only inconvenienced for a period of time.

  2. I will probably get hate, but, if i saw something on my list and there were 8 of them, I would buy all 8. If that makes me a bad person I can take that title and own it. I will sleep like a baby. The way the world is now make people who are working hard to make sure they are not caught out. The government deliberately make you look like a greedy narcissistic wart on society. What i do not understand is, the first lockdown when people lost it and bought everything so there were empty shelves and millions could not get what they wanted. Fast forward to today, Not one of the people i know that complained bitterly to me (who has been trying to get them to prepare) that they had no food ( just food they did not fancy) yet did not learn anything and went back to their old habits.

  3. If you prepare over time with a plan then there is never a need to buy more than a small number of anything at one time anyway. I mean, if SHTF and you buy the last 10 packs of TP in a panic, maybe that’s hoarding but it’s also pretty dumb.

  4. I’ve been wiped out three times financially. I buy extra when I can and have done it for years. My roommate thought I had a problem until we lost our jobs. I wasn’t so insane after all. We work together now.

  5. You two are a well oiled machine in the way you balance each other. No it doesn’t mean your a hoarder if you prepare for tough times . There are many ways that we can be affected and it is a great feeling to know you are doing the best you can to protect and provide for your family. Patara , you made a comment in one of your videos that hopefully if one is meeting criticism from their spouse that they will one day get on board with you. It happened with us. I have always been one to put back and make sure there was a. Backup waiting in the wing. About 15 years ago that changed and l have been praying and prepping every since. God bless you two on your journey and l pray people are listening because we are already seeing shortages in our everyday items we use. Be prepared, be safe folks. Thank you James and Patara.

  6. I am in Germany and we have a very small number of preppers. VERY small. But you know what? You guys are truly the voice of common sense and you should continue to voice the truth.

  7. I think people who get angry at those of us who prepare do so because they did not prepare, and now they're scared. They hear about people…. somewhere….. stocking up on toilet paper and paper towels and they look in their bathroom and see one package of either and think, "oh no, I need to go get more!" But they don't know WHY they need more. It's just because they heard about stores running out of those items and people buying it up like crazy, so it must be important. People who prepare have a plan and know the reason why they are doing it. Hoarders don't have a plan and can't tell you why they have so much "stuff," they just do, and they keep getting more.

    My husband might call me a hoarder when it comes to art & craft supplies. O_O I will admit I may have, in the past, gone a wee bit overboard on books and arts & crafts supplies. Yes, if a new paper came out, I had to have it to try, even though I may not use it for a year or two. Yikes! Not any more though. I now have my focus on the really necessary stuff. Funny, not funny. Lol! Loved the video! Love the honesty, just saying it like it is – including bluntly.

  8. Guys I try to set aside 30.00 extra to add to my pantry. I want to be self sufficient. Just Like Tawra Kellum says when the fecal matter hits the oscellation unit, I want to be ready.

  9. No! It is not right too buy all twenty. I bought only one from just 2 stores at a time. When the toilet paper debacle I had maybe two rolls of toilet paper for 6 people. I could not believe it toilet paper. So now when I go too the store I pick up a big pack of toilet paper just too be on the safe side.

  10. My kids come shopping at my house and I am not a store. I just stock up on food , cleaning items , and now toilet paper crazy toilet paper who would of thought. Me and my grandson waste hand sanitizer before the pandemic and I had no hand sanitizer. Could not find it in any store so I made my own . Alcohol aloe vera gel I made my own. I could barley find the alcohol and gel , but when I did I made me some hand sanitizer.

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