To stay ahead of the curve, you have to prepare for the curve. It’s time to further discuss ways to adjust to everything that IS happening. Let’s chat!
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Books I Love!
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ The Chicken Health Handbook:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Goats:
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Livestock Protection Dogs:
~ The Backyard Guide to Raising Farm Animals:
Items We Use For Success!
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
~ Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder:
~ Vetericyn:
~ Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~ Kindling Cracker:
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
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Thank you mam!
Love this video! Have watched it twice now! Aussie Lady!
Patara, I took my chain saw and cleared a piece of land for a spring garden. However, I have a black bear in our area. I am in east tennessee near the mountains. … but what can I plant knowing that there is a bear close by. Any ideas. Thanks so much.
Im 67…been a prepper from the minute I gave birth to my first child during the inflation of the 70s. This is different from past crisis events in my life. In this case, we have several things happening simultaneously. You keep doing what you are doing….you will save lives. Much love.
Preach to em girl!!!
I'm a 58 yr old man and live by myself, in these times I'm actually glad I'm single with no children. I find it easier and less worried some to be only concerned for myself. I do buy soups and rice and beans and pasta and other stuff as such. I also buy candles and mason jars, candle holders. Where I live these things will always be useful due to hurricanes anyway. Also, I have prescription glasses and do use readers from the dollar store and also reader sunglasses,. Most people have credit cards and some give reward points and have products you can use them for, I suggest spending your points on camping gear wind up radio/flashlight, etc. I'm not suggesting anyone follow what I'm saying but agree and learn from you every day and am so grateful for all you share! God Bless you for your hard-hitting truth and straightforwardness! You are a treasure and resource in these strange times ahead!
I'm going to be 60 next month. Anyone with even a bit of common sense knows things are changing rapidly and NOT for the better.
Condo living will not help us! We are doomed!
One way to save money is when you bottles of shampoo, mustard, conditioner, body wash, dish detergent, etc. are almost completely empty add a little water to make whats left in the bottle useable. If you live alone or have a small family wait until you have a full load to do laundry. I live alone and only do dishes once a day to save on dish detergent. Go thrift stores. You would be amazed at what you might in one. I go to one near my apt. I find clothes in it with the price tags still attached and other items where that you can tell have never been used or opened. Cut back on eating out. Instead use the money you save to buy preps. If you work start taking your lunch with you so you wont have to spend money on lunch. Have at least one night a week where its left over night, and eat left overs for lunch. Break down box goods and crush soft drinks cans before placing them in your garbage can to make room to add more to the garbage before you take it out.
I love your posative yet blunt honest answers approach! I don't feel like I'm guessing at what you mean. I love simplicity and honesty.
Practice healthy living to get off as many meds as you can.
My job is now mandated. I don't know what to do. It's either put something in my body that I don't want or get fired. I'm terrified to get it, I don't want it! But I need my job. My convictions are nothing when they threaten my livelihood and that of my family.
Hi, im 30 and don't have some of these things mentioned instilled in me but other I do! I'm here to say I did learn some new info and life steps from this one video. Slowly but surely learning day by day. Me and one of my children are listening to you video right now he's 7 and he is shaking his head and agreeing and answering questions while you speak and just said "well we don't need as much laundry detergent and if my clothes don't look dirty I can wear them Again!" Thanks for sharing
I'm pressing the subscribe button I wish I can give a bigger dumbs up!
You can stretch your contacts by putting them in some solution. I will wear mine about 3 times. Just take them out at night and store in solution.
Add a can or two of beans or corn or veggies to the ground beef to “extend” it. It can triple the amount!
When you said; "Just don't stop", keep going. Things may move forward slowly, but don't stop, keep going. That is the best thing I heard for me personally. Sometimes I get bogged down and I feel like I just want to stop. Thank you for this advice today, I really needed to hear it. Bless you
The Truth will set you free,
but first it will piss you off
Amen sister, preach the truth!
My momma would add just a little bit of oatmeal to ground beef to stretch the meat, because oatmeal takes on the whatever flavor the meat has and it blends very well with the meat.
Right now, we are seeing many empty shelves in the stores. I don't like it. I'm going to be joining a meat CSA with friends of ours who have a farm and I'm going to start doing my own canning as much as I can. It's a little worrisome to see what's going on. We are having trouble getting cat food. So I'll start making my own as well.
You are correct
We serve jesus
This country is a mess
We need rain in ks
Your right don't stop
You are so calming ti listen to.
I`m like you Patara. I always say to myself, " A little bit goes a long way." Love your videos!