March 12, 2025

VIDEO: Chatting Perennial Flowers For Spring

No lies, this week im actually going to talk about the perennials I’m hoping to add to the flower farm in Spring 2022. Let’s flip through the Van Noort catalog and talk about what I need more of (yarrow, I need all the yarrow, lol) and what I’m passing on. Im getting excited for all the changes this spring, and all the new cut flowers we will be growing by focusing onto only being a flower farm next year.

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Chatting Perennial Flowers For Spring

  1. About the Papaver oriëntale: they go dormant after flowering, good to combine them with something that emerges late on that same spot. So don t panic if they ‘die’

  2. Bachelor buttons are easier to cut if you cut down low and just take a group of stems. Even the unopened buds in the grouping add an interesting texture to your bouquet.
    Also the annual scabiosas like black knight, feta Morgan, fire king, and strawberry fields are wonderful bloom producers on long stems. Even the seed pods are cool.

  3. Sounds like a reasonable plan for next year. Looking forward to seeing all your new flowers. Do lilacs grow well there? My lilacs are always at perfect bloom stage on Mother’s Day… 5 New England. I thought you were zone 4, but if you’re zone 5 your bloom times are probably similar to mine. Very different climate. We are humid and get a lot of rain especially in spring.

  4. I'm surprised you're buying Joe pie weed! I thought I'd seen it in a marshy park, I had no idea it would be good for flower farming or liked dry conditions!!! Thank you, I'm going to have to look into this

  5. If carrots and salad are bringing money in then you guys should keep planting them!
    Be a flower and carrot and salad farm
    Edit: 1 hour and 20 mins in it's confirmed that's the plan for next season lol

  6. You might live to regret your infinite yarrow. I can see buying varieties that you don’t have, but it spreads like crazy! Why not just split the ones you already have instead of buying new? That leaves more money for other plants! Lol

  7. When you do your next merch considerations can you maybe consider a t shirt that says "And that my friends, is a 20 dollar bouquet!" NO IMAGE just words.People would ask what that means then we can promote your channel. Love being on the inside of the cool kids YouTube channel.

  8. When you move quickly, either your hands or the catalog, the camera doesn’t focus and it is a dizzying effect. Thought you’d want to know.

  9. I’m surprised you’re not starting some of these from seed. I’ve done my eryngium, echinops, lysimachia (gooseneck loosestrife I think you called it) by seed.. though the echinops didn’t have great germination as I suspect they need steady warmth or grow lights that I don’t have. But the others germinated fine.
    Some anemone corms would be good for Mother’s Day flowers, lilacs, and euphorbia.
    I’ve been considering growing Akebia chocolate vine for unusual scented spring flowers.
    Another perennial very worth considering is Alchemilla Mollis/ lady’s mantle. It’s incredible. And Verbena hastata which comes in three colours

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