These galvanized fire rings are seen at camp grounds, back yards, and on patios. But they should also be in your garden! They are an instant raised bed and can be a game changer for growing more food easily.
VIDEO: INSTANT Raised Beds Using Galvanized Fire Rings!
These galvanized fire rings are seen at camp grounds, back yards, and on patios. But they should also be in your garden! They are an instant raised bed and can be a game changer for growing more food easily.
When you actually went inside the ring and continued talking, I died. Way to provide some useful info with some comedy!
You’re having so much fun with that fire ring. I got the one I use for my bon fires for $36 on sale a few years ago. I’m going to get a few more of these. This is a great idea.
hahahaha, it looks like you enjoyed making this. So fun!
Do you know if it would work in hotter climates? Maybe spray painting the sides with white paint would help???
I bought two galvanized watering troughs this year and put them on concrete blocks to raise them up even higher…no bending at all! Drilled holes in the bottom. Worked great!
These are a great idea and while I likely would not outfit my entire garden with them, they certainly are a nice supplement. I would definitely pay 42 bucks for two fire rings and given they can last two decades or more I think that is a good investment for the garden, particularly when accounting for the cost of lumber. Also, I remember those older videos and the way they were planted was both productive and beautiful.
This guy is in Australia and grows everything in galvanized beds.
Hi there , Wonderful to have the fire rings.When my raised beds break down, I am going to look into those sturdy grow rings.Always a pleasure to visit..
With food and other items getting more expensive home grown might be the only financially feasible way and need to be self-sufficient so outside market forces don't mess with food supplies
Just "food" for thought
Radish only take 23 days from seed to table
I looked up galvanized steel and it says it contains lead.
Just a thought but if you don't need them 18" tall and have an angle grinder or sawsall cut them in half and you will have 2 for the price of one.
Your antics reminded me of the garden guy Paul James! Funny Luke!
you just keep getting better and better man..quality continues to improve…..speaking,sound quality,editing,writing…been watching you for years now….thanks man!
Galvanized metals put off lead as they break down. I would NOT use anything galvanized to grow my food.
Looks like it would get so HOT in Coastal Texas that the plants would die off the majority of the year , but we be find for over wintering 1015 onions maybe .
But Luke, I bought a fabric-raised bed on Amazon of that size and diameter for $18.99, so much less expensive, and also reusable. Actually, I bought 2. $85.00 is very cost-prohibitive for some of us, no matter the eventual return.
Hahaha your antics in the fire ring made me laugh
Will you be planting this plan out next year to show us your return in this fire ring? I’d be curious to see the produce grown in it.
Love how much fun you had with making this video! loved watching you playing with the ring while being on point! lol
Good video
And you can take them with you if you move.
Good idea!
I like your thinking so much! Last year I came across plastic culverts that was washed out so I cut them down to pieces which I used for greedy plants like zucchini of to the side. This year I am going to try one for the carrots like you mentioned! They are so great!
Someone once told me galvanized beds were dangerous for some reason and I believed him. Now I read on it and a lot of people are using them. I started looking around. Didn't know they sell those at hardware stores. I will definitely look into it. Thanks Luke!
Does the galvanized metal leak toxins? I heard it does when there is a fire… Is there a way to coat the inside so it wouldn't leach chemicals?
What a great idea… I'm older and just coming out of Chemo for stomach cancer. I get tired easily and need to sit while I garden. This is good for not bending down. Thank you for sharing !