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My oldest is named Jackson too. He is 3. It is so precious to me how your boy resembles you
thinking some day my mini me will be 16 is so strange!
Happy 16th birthday to your 1st born! I know how excited you are to have a cow and milk and the ability to use it to make many things. However, I am looking for any content that doesn't have milking or cow in it at this point. I know it's your farm and your life but you can only talk about a cow some many times before you loose people's interest.
Happy birthweek Jackson!!
Female coyoties will come up when they are in heat to bred with your dogs,, I promise its true I had 2 un -fixed large males , they would come right up on my back porch. ?
Girl, celebrate that boy to the fullest!! I am glad to see content like that on your channel because it's part of your family and it's still homesteading because it's all parts of your life wrapped up together. I am so glad that you are teaching your kiddos the value of homesteading with just living it and having them take part…lessons they will take and hopefully apply to their adult life. I would love to be started and share with my little girl the value…not there yet…but dreaming big and eventually will be there!!!
I hated being sent home with the babe still in my belly. They tried doing that just as i hit an agressive transition. Baby came within the hour
Happy belated birthday to Jackson!
Awe this made me tear up! God Bless ya huns!
Happy Birthday Jackson! My oldest Son was/is totally fascinated with the Japanese culture. He was able to take Japanese as his foreign language in high school. And Sensei actually planned a trip to Japan for all the kids that took all three years of Japanese. So my Son was fortunate to be able to go to Japan for two weeks…and he absolutely loved it. He is now 32 and still wants to go back. Who needs a senior trip to FL when you can go to Japan…lol.
Happy birthday Jackson!!
Happy Birthday Jackson. You so remind me of my Grandson Justin when he was 16.
Happy be-lated Birthday, Jackson (Jaxon)!
Gold Shaw Farm's YouTube channel talks a lot about ethical livestock guard dogs. Might be a good resource
happy belated bday jackson!! be safe and watch out for the crazy drivers
Happy Birthday Jack! It is indeed a special day, my Anniversary is the same day.
A pack of Great Pyrenees is awesome. But vet bills. Still they can get hurt even in a pack. Happy Birthday Jack!
My Dad got stepped on as a teen when milking. One of our favorite stories!
My 14 y.o all week fights to get out of bed saturday morning 6 am she wakes me going to the kitchen….. Ill NEVER understand it lol.. But id sleep till 10 or 11 everyday if I could.
That’s so cool. My daughter will turn 16 in April and Japan is her wish for after graduation as well. Think they know something we don’t ? Lol
Happy 16th birthday Jackson how special is this . Jess We both became first time parents on November 9th 2005 my daughter was born at 8:57 AM how cool is that