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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
Music commonly used on this channel:
Sweeps –
Biocratic –
The Muse Maker –
David Cutter Music –
Looks great!
Crest the middle of roads right? Taper towards each side from middle and appropriate ditches and culverts
water, access, structures, so sayeth Lawton XD
I have the same problem — the neighbour said "At Harrogate we grow rocks" Two gravel pits on my road which is only 3km long. I'm just resigned to build raised beds. I have rabbits who are helping with fertility
Thank you for the update!!!
Don't know if you have or not, but recommend putting down a geofabric between the ground and the road base. Helps greatly with stopping the rock being pushed into the ground and the right fabric will also let you use less road base.
I, and many of your fans, look forward to your livestreams. Being live is ironically a kind of grounding, IMO; a way of touching base with something real time every week. Felt dismayed you were discontinuing them. We don't mind the real life interruptions, etc. I have really appreciated seeing the homestead come together and hope you might livestream periodically. Thanks for all you do, Curtis.
Elemental Ecosystems with Zach Weiss just did a great Q&A podcast with Mark Shepard on restorative agriculture. Much of what they talked about might be really applicable to your place. Mark's method of sealing ponds with wet, slimy biomass and then few inches of dirt on top was interesting new idea for semi-permeable water catchment systems.
I haven't been this jealous in years.
will horses will replace cars within 30-40 years?
Curtis with your skeleton bucket you'll be able to produce a lot of rock that you can use on your road.
You gotta put ditches in on your roads or they will forever be muddy. Another is to create terraces in your road to funnel rain into the ditches when the water is running strongly down the road.
Make sure your new skid steer has a high flow hydraulic system to run that snow blower. They require a huge flow to run properly. I might get some snow tonight in k town but you will defiantly get some up there.
Nolan Belanger
If you don’t want visitors, you can snowblow a berm across your driveway to make it temporarily impassable
Curtis what cryptocurrency do you like?
Yea Curtis, It's just "You Tube with coffee" in the morning for me. So the overall check in is just great and I've been watching for this all along. Thank you for the "You Tube" post. Just great!
Hi bro! Hope you doing well, wish you lots of success ahead. Actually I have a question before starting off my own ,Do I need any certification( for example: health and hygiene, training certificate) for the farm before I start? and I also wanted to know if I need to register my farm(microgreen through house basement) or not ?
Build forms with chicken wire and dump rocks in them for walls, where needed or for landscaping.
hey i heard the solar wave is not healthy for body its better to stablish them more than 1000 meter frome the worth to looking to it good luck
Curtis, check out the flipscreen attachment for your skidsteer. Might make a difference in screening for the soil you are looking for.
Where in alberta r u?
Great, exciting developments. Build your fire shelter, Zen room really soon. Top of hills are in the torch zone. You need somewhere safe for your family and friends incase you are away. They might not be able to work the watering system. Use some of the rocks as part of the earth walls. Don't get too stressed out about having rocks. They keep the soil from washing down hill. Just place them to make terraces and place cardboard, branches, brush, grass clippings, sawdust and animal manure behind. The snow melt will bring the fine particles. Just chip and remove rocks where you want fruit trees. You don't have to have a up and running market garden in the next two years. With your driveway, did you consider having the larger triangular gravel as the base. It stops the washout of the small gravels. The snow blower looks great.
I like the way the greenhouse is looking .. great ideas about the metal siding .. as well as the double layer cover .. nice work .. glad to see you are going to sift through your rock for the dirt you can collect. Keep up the great work!
Always pros and cons to living a more secluded lifestyle. The pros always outweigh the cons though!!!
one of your naburs that is siting high up has a well that pumps water like a broken hydrant.
the mountains produce amazing pressures up high,
You need a double steel drum roller to compact the stone. Depending on the size roller, roll the stone in 2 to 4 inch lifts. PS : there is never to munch compaction with stone especially on a grade. Good luck ! You all have a great gig going up yonder.
Might wanna find another means of communication cuz ur out in the boonies. Pigeon or owl maybe