Ever want bigger, earlier onions? Want to grow two successions of them? This could potentially be a game changing way to grow onions and one that requires you to plant onions in the FALL!
VIDEO: This Method of Planting Onions Could Be a Game Changer!
Ever want bigger, earlier onions? Want to grow two successions of them? This could potentially be a game changing way to grow onions and one that requires you to plant onions in the FALL!
Yes the sets definitely can be grown in spring and fall. Onions will definitely grow through winter. Store bought sets come in spring and bulbs planted in fall but have tried sprouting onion seeds, (purchased from migardener). Have been successful planting sprouted sets from containers in fall …..they definitely have shown to be tolerate to cold weather….single digit and below zero sometimes.
Sometimes have forgotten some onions and they came back and turned into four decent size onions specifically from the ones I got seeds from. I have left them through winter and they have grown four onions in return the following spring.
I thought everyone knew this. I am in Houston and do the same thing for some of my onions. For others, I start them in pots only because of my lack of bed space. As soon as the frost kills my frost tender crops like tomatoes and peppers, those onions go in the ground. The reason big farms take up the onions and put them back in the ground is that it eliminates weeds. Onions grow so slow, that weeds easily overtake them.
Hi I live.in the Midlands in England and planted onions outside at the beginning of November last year and they grew just fine. I've done the same this year and planted japanese onions in the polytunnel too x.
Yes, and I’m going to try
A year ago at this time of the year we threw old onions from our vegetable crisper into one of our raised beds expecting it to turn into compost. In the spring we were startled to see giant onion plants growing with huge onions sitting mostly above the soil. The greens grew to 4 feet! The onions were magnificent.
Succeed for sure.
Was goimg to do the same but did not start them 6 weeks ahead. So I sprinkled onion seeds in a small part of one raised bed. Just to see if they grow in the spring.
I always leave some in the ground and next spring they split, so maybe 4-6 small green onions from one established bulb from the year before. I’m guessing it’s not a good technique to grow big single onions though, although I could be wrong on that.
It will work.
my great grandfathers garden diary shows that planting onions in early winter/ late Autumn was the best way to increase harvest and he wrote that in 1928. so this has been common knowledge for a while, atleast here in the UK
I think it will succeed
I’m in Maine in zone 5a. I wish I had thought to try this. I always plant a sweet onion but this year I also planted walla walla onions and they were huge! I plant fall garlic and I will try the onions next fall. I can’t wait to see your results!
I think I would mulch them lightly, and put some floating row cover over it, but yeah, given those adjustments, I think it would work.
I vote SUCCESS with the onions. I would love to plant my garlic AND onions at the same time in the fall. AnOldYankeeGardener
I would think that dry bulb onions may do better than wet bulb..
I've planted onion sets in December and gotten great onions but I live in LA so I have really mild winters.
We here in zone 8 LA plant onions in Fall for harvesting.
I think they will be successful
I think it will succeed. I’m in zone 4a and definitely will try this next fall and add a good layer of mulch. Thanks!
I think it's going to work. I'm just wondering if we should plant short day onions in the winter because there's less sunlight from now until spring.
In Germany we saw seeds end of August, so the onions are 10 cm high and ready for winter…. Is for early and huger …
Always cracks me up when you open with "very exciting" for a gardening video. I enjoy your stuff and have watched hundreds of your videos, but they aren't "exciting."
I've had bunching onions overwinter – then I was able to get seed from it the next year.
Will you put down a mulch around them for any protection?
I planted walking onions last month. Wondering what will happen. They are tiny.
How funny. I planted some onion sets the beginning of October to try the same experiment, my sets grew greens similar to garlic so I covered them lightly with leaves. I also added a few radish seeds because I heard, they grow like dandelion and will go dormant when the cold moves in but will finish growing next spring. I guess we will see what happens next Spring. Best of luck with your onions.
This video came at the funniest time. I just acquired about 200 onion sets (that someone was going to toss) here in Ontario, and was wondering if I could plant them like garlic. So, we are going to be joining in this journey with you. Can't wait to see if yours (and ours) turn out!