March 22, 2025

VIDEO: 심심해서 페트병에 심어 본 당근🥕ㅣHow to Grow Carrots in Plastic Bottles

7월중순에 당근씨앗을 농협에서 구입하여 페트병에 심어 보았습니다.
90일동안 당근 성장과정과 수확영상입니다.
별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 🙂

This is a video of the Carrot growth process for 90 days.
How To Grow Carrots From Seed

+음악(Youtube free music)
Just Dance – Patrick Patrikios.mp3
Hulu Ukulele – Chris Haugen.mp3
Sleepless Aloha – Reed Mathis.mp3
Who Can Say – The 126ers.mp3

갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus)
소니 a6400 (Sony a6400)

+편집프로그램 (Editing program)
프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC)

+촬영/편집 :
Korean Gardener 초록식물TV

#Carrot_Seed #당근 #Carrot

+ Creative Commons

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: 심심해서 페트병에 심어 본 당근🥕ㅣHow to Grow Carrots in Plastic Bottles

  1. Nice my carrots in a pot did well this year
    The ones in the garden did poorly with the driest spring i remember
    I could not water the garden enough for carrots
    Great reuse idea
    Much love xoxox

  2. Nice looking! Orange carrots are actually a hybrid, I didn't believe it when I first heard about it, so I checked, it's true, carrots come in different colors, white, purple, red, yellow, and orange, all I know is they are delicious!

  3. WOW! no sabia que se podían cultivar así!!! lo tengo que hacer! 🙂 primero consigo las semillas uwu, tus videos son muy educativos y con calidad :3
    la primera y ultima vez que sembré zanahoria crecieron muy pequeñas JAJAJ se las termine dando a mis mascotas, hay espero y si salgaa!!!!
    PD: lo haces ver tan fácil, pero no lo es 🙁

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