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Greenstalk Planter : Use the code ROOTS10 to receive an additional $10 off the SALE Price! (Sale through NOV 29, 21): @t
I’m a tea and coffee all year long gal.
Everyone makes mistakes. I’m about to plant garlic way too late for my area… but if I don’t plant it, I won’t get anything
I'm so excited. My sister just bought me the Original for Christmas. She ruined the surprise to ask me what color I prefered.

Thanks for showing this. I have a bad neck and the 5 tier is just waaaaay too heavy to take apart to ammend
I'm a hot herbal tea all year long kind of gal (I really shouldn't drink coffee at all, but I do a couple times a week). I actually make herbal tea blends and that's one of the things I look forward to most about establishing our homestead is having the room to try to grow all of my own herbs instead of buying them.
What compost brand?
My eldest daughter and I have a cup of tea and watch a show together in the evening after the little ones are in bed. It’s such a precious moment I know I’ll cherish and I hope she looks back on fondly as well.
Yes. I drink hot tea in the winter and I save the tea bags, let them dry out, open them up and dump them into an aluminum foil pan. Then let them dry out further. And then save it in freezer bags and collect more. In the Spring, I used it along with dried banana peels and sheep poop and added it to my garden beds. When I planted out my gardens, they grew immediately and took off. So, save that tea.
I just found you and we're talking coffee and tea?? This could be my second home! I'm a die-hard coffee drinker (used to roast my own beans) but in the fall I crave tea after the morning coffee. I steep Stevia leaves in with the tea leaves for a lovely hot sweet tea. Sometimes I'll add some fresh or dehydrates ginger slices and lemon slices as well.
Thanks Jess!! FINALLY got the hubs on board with the Greenstalk Planter. Ordered one today. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!! LOL!! I have some Strawberry plants I got last spring @ a Mennonite garden center. WOW, those 1st yr plants did pretty well. HOWEVER…the young ladies (our "pet" deer: pleural,,,,lol) ate the end of the season strawberry leaves of the plants! Lil deer hog!! (zone 6a-b) I wanted to split the runners and give some to a friend who wants to plant some strawberries around their greenhouse. When would be the proper time to do that? Love y'all……….and do mean it!
I ordered strawberry plants also and I don't understand why, but mine plants were green when I planted them, but dried back. They never got new green leaves, I don't know why???? I have planted some about five years ago and they grew and produced. What was the cause??
I wish you were closer. I have plenty of ever-bearing strawberries to share. And I just bought a Greenstalk for some of them.
I ordered 30 bare root strawbs in 2020, every single one of them died, because I didnt leave the crown exposed. the garden centre sent me a new pack, and only 6 survived after I meticulously followed a tutorial and read all the rules 10 times. If yours grow after just being popped in that greenstalk, I might have to buy a greenstalk, because they are clearly magic.
I am battling white fly in NOV in NY
We have been getting snow for the last two days… I hadn’t even put my garden shovels and hoses away…
get peroxide, use half a cup in a bucket of water, and soak the roots.
My parents let me drink tea as a child. When I got older, I quit. So no tea, or coffee, here. As far as aphids go, my landscaping teacher says to just blast ‘em with the hose!
I’ve had the same thing happen earlier this year. Even with a few roots and they still produced over the summer. It’s worth a try!!
Coffee in the morning and hot tea the rest of the day. Mainly in fall and winter. Coffee and water for spring and summer.
Ues dont give up. I did a similar thing. Mine sat in a wet mushy packaging for months. I planted anyway all in a giant hole. They came up in late fall & now Ill seperate them in the spring
I’m the same with the coffee to tea transition! Some days I just drink tea all day. I find that sometimes if I drink coffee multiple times a week I can have more anxiety
It has been 7 days, did any of the strawberry plants survive?
Most of the year, I prefer cold caffeinated drinks. S during hot seasons, it's energy drinks. during spring and fall it's coffee. Tea is only when I'm sick or feeling a cold coming on.
Yes, thanks for reminding us to have grace for ourselves and to just put plants in soil 'cause they want to grow. You are always teaching us.