March 5, 2025

VIDEO: Super Simple Indoor Garden Setup Walkthrough Anyone Can Do!

We are touring my old grow room checking out how the basil is growing in my parent’s basement. I will walk you all through how to put together this setup so you too can grow stuff year round!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Super Simple Indoor Garden Setup Walkthrough Anyone Can Do!

  1. I definitely have the room for an indoor garden. I’m doing some kale, arugula, and lettuce starts that I want to try in a mini greenhouse outside or using milk jugs and bottles. The problem is while the Pacific North West has very mild winters and the snow might stick only a couple times and usually it hovers close to freezing and not below, it really is cloudy almost the entire time. So, the plants may not do so well.

  2. How far away from plants should the grow light be hung? Does this change as the plants grow taller? How does a heating mat factor into an indoor growing set up? I have sooo many questions! I'm a Michigander and am a beginner at gardening and growing plants from seed. Your videos are so friendly and informative! Thank you for sharing your gift and knowledge for growing in a way that is not intimidating but instead, welcoming and encouraging.

  3. On my gosh! I needed this today! We were just talking about how we were going to ramp up our plant-starting production this winter. (We’d been using the small, individual lights, but it’s time to get serious:) ) Thanks!

  4. I was thinking it would be good in warmer areas like S Florida where everything starts bolting in the spring when the days lengthen and it gets warmer. Just move plants indoors where i have ac and can control the light.

  5. I have 2 poinsettias under 8 led lights on a WiFi timer. The leaves on one seem a bit small and I have lost a few so I increased the time on from 10 to 12 hours. Another convenience is to use watering spikes.

  6. The idea of a pond liner lining a box is a great idea, might try that with some old dresser drawers I was going to cut up for another use. I am successfully growing:
    Dwarf Micro tomatoes in Aerogarden Harvest and they are 1 year old and still producing fruit continuously and abundantly (2 plants in the Aerogarden, water daily, feed every other week).
    Basil grew in it 700+ days until I decided to try growing something new.
    I have seen many people growing cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, lettuces, and other things like radish, herbs, artichokes, flowers, succulents in their Aerogardens successfully. I don't know why your cucumbers didn't grow well under those lights, maybe pollination issue? Thanks for another great video 🙂

  7. hello! i have brokoli on my garnden it have develop heads but the are small, the thing i fear is that we start to get cold like 0 calsiou today and it will keep goin like that will it servive? or i beter cut it and save what i can.

  8. Fabulous information. You are super helpful. I appreciate you. I am gathering information on growing indoors. Thank you for keeping your videos positive I appreciate that too.

  9. I use SHINESTAR 4-Pack 4FT LED Shop Lights Daylight 5000K, 40W 5500 Lumen Bright T8 LED Tube Light, Linkable Integrated Lighting Fixture. Purchased from Amazon for $50 for 4 bulbs. They work great for Grow Lights. Each light can be used seperatly or linked together.

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