March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Roots Shoots & Coffee EP. 48 – What's On My Garden Christmas List

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6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Roots Shoots & Coffee EP. 48 – What's On My Garden Christmas List

  1. I don't have anything on my list. We're in the process of moving to our own property. We still need to add an electrical meter (everything in our new house runs on electricity and our son Daniel and I are gamers), fix the water pump, repair the water well house, dig the sewer lines, and add a mailbox. Lee is only fast when it comes to lawn care, carpet care, painting, and repairing lawnmowers, weed eaters, and 4-wheelers. He's slow at everything else. Likely I need to get a job (only Lee can handle Daniel now that he's an autistic teenager so I need to be the one to earn an income) and pay experts to complete that work. Daniel's disruptive behavior got us evicted from our old house. I'm actually happy about the eviction. It finally lit a fire under Lee to get back to working on our own property. He and a friend put up the electrical pole five years ago but did nothing else. I'm currently staying at my mother's house. Lee doesn't like the drama here (I'm used to it since my mother, brother, and sister all have dramatic personalities; I have a calm one like our deceased father). Lee and Daniel are staying at a friend's house. I'm allergic to things at the friend's house and there's no space for all 3 of us at either place. I technically don't have space here either. All my clothing is in bags, most of my electronics are back in their boxes and stacked on top of each other, some of my things are on her front porch, and others are on her back porch. I want to change the furniture in my and Daniel's room. I want to add two twin-size beds, 3 five-drawer chests (one will hold Daniel's clothing, one will hold mine, and one will hold our towels and linens and the top will function as a standing desk), a lingerie chest (to hold my huge bras as well as Daniel's and my socks and underwear), a bookshelf (have to measure how wide and tall it can be as I have a lot of books), and small entertainment center (hold the tv, DVD player, current gaming consoles and any future ones; the games I play usually go to Nintendo and PlayStation). I like Carolina Morning for the bed and Furniture in the Raw for the rest. Also had to leave most of our kitchen items behind so have to replace them. I only have my stockpot, rice strainer, foam skimmer, can opener, and half gallon-size mason jars. I found beautiful blue (blue is my favorite color, Lee's is red, and not sure what Daniel's is as he gravitates toward several different ones) utensils, dishware, cookware, and bakeware. I also want to get some cast iron, enameled cast iron, glass, and clay cookware. I mostly go by recommendations of Debra Lynn Dadd's list of toxin-free things. Debra died and Lisa Powers now runs it. Her section is called NonToxU. I also want a reflective commercial-size mailbox, and upgrade it with a reflective post and a swing-away feature. I saw that on Cottage Craft Works. I also like their pottery with the blue barn. Someone stole all of our vehicles on our property. I likely need to get us another truck with at least a bench seat like the old one that fits all three of us. He wants it to have a 4-wheel drive. We want to get an outdoor wood/coal heater that will work through our ductwork. We found a free resource for it. I also want some off-grid components like a sun oven, laundry set up, and some kitchen appliances). Also, have to replace half of my clothing as I'm becoming allergic to polyester. Right now it makes me itch. I know from my metal allergies (nickel and copper) that the next stage will be rashes. I will avoid it where I can but some things only come in polyester or in a blend with it. I have more of an issue with 100% polyester than blends. I got Daniel sensory headphones (he's sensitive to lots of sounds like dogs barking, electric razors, motorcycles, fireworks, etc.) and thinking putty (one of his hobbies is art, he only likes free drawing and molding substances). I got Lee a red babydoll lingerie set that looks like Marilyn Monroe's infamous white dress. He liked it on the models so he'll love it on me. My bust is larger than most women's. My last gift from me to me was The First King of Shannara and The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. I already had the third book in the trilogy called Wishsong of Shannara. They are nice and thick books. King is 435 pages. Sword is 726 pages. Wishsong is 499 pages.

  2. I don’t have instagram but want to follow you. You only have 4 youtube videos. We want to help and learn. When you upload please upload to your youtube i dont want to make a instagram to see your amazing garden and farm but i really want to see. Thanks for sharing the onion mishap i hope i can catch up.

  3. Omg I just got my dehydrator yesterday! That's what I asked my husband for Christmas lol he thought I was joking and I had to be like no I'm dead serious that would make me super happy and then he tells me he was going to buy me a new phone.

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