March 17, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mulching our Garlic With Animal Bedding (Pine Shavings)

  1. I do enjoy watching your shows….. but…… you should probably come up with a new intro slogan. I have to tell ya, I haven't seen an exciting episode yet. Educational yes, interesting yes, helpful yes, exciting not so much. Everytime I hear you say it I think to myself that is false advertising! Sorry for the critique, good job on the show.

  2. Whenever I am in the garden and see a plane, I always have to watch it too to make sure it's not going to drop a bomb. Love your videos by the way, they have helped me so much.

  3. I did that this year because I couldn't find straw. Unfortunately, a family of racoons dug up the whole bed. I was able to replant most of the garlic, but now the shavings are all mixed up in the soil. What a mess.

  4. The weather has been crazy in Wv we have only really had one snow that was about 2 inches and then a couple days of very light flurries! Normally we have snow by Halloween but we have had 70° weather a couple weeks ago it's insane

  5. Can you do a video on root crops tricks/tips? Every year I seem to have problems with those not getting up to size. Or They seem to need a lot more time than a seed packet says. Beets/carrots… I also have some trouble with onions. These things are frustrating, because I seem to have luck with the more “difficult crops”, and a hard time with the “easy” things

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