March 25, 2025

VIDEO: The Collective Sigh (Time to Rest) | VLOG

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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Collective Sigh (Time to Rest) | VLOG

  1. Loved watching your sit down with Justin R. Was so nice to hear about your life and history in a casual and relaxed conversation format. Laughed that most of your viewers are 60+. I’m not even close to 60 and luv your channel! Your information is timeless and for all ages. Thank you and your family for the informational vlogs. The personal sharing and encouragement is just a wonderful bonus!

  2. Have you ever considered a farm preserve building a friend of mine just built their own farm preservation kitchen specifically to store and process everything so that they weren’t trying to store it all specifically in their home

  3. You could move the shelves to your new home. Patch the holes in the walls and you are good to go. I am fascinated with the proofing basket! I have been making bread for years but never heard of it. Anxious to learn more about it. Love watching your channel! First time to comment but long time viewer…..

  4. Sweet Miah, there's a spot above the bedroom door … and yes I said that with an Aussie accent cos that's just the way I talk! I'll be watching that space.

    My friend's cat's name is Wes and I just realised that is exactly how she says it!!

  5. I can’t wait till I get to build my desk. We decided to build it out of the metal pipe similar to your shelves. I absolutely love the idea!! Bless you Jess! I can’t wait for your new book ❤️❤️

  6. Since finding your channel 4 years ago, the incessant desire to have my own property with gardens and chickens has me constantly learning new things while I wait. In these last 4 years so many things have happened good and bad. You brought me hope and much cheer while I went through breast cancer surgery and reconstruction. That was a very hard time for me. While I am still on chemo treatments, with the help of my amazing husband we have built a raised garden bed that produces TONS of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, okra and other delicious produce. My garden is my happy place. You have inspired me to do what I can where I am till I get where I want to be. I can't imagine what my life would be like now had I not stumbled upon the first video of your I watched. The bag of garden soil for greens through the winter using the clear plastic tote as a mini greenhouse. I was hooked! I love your channel, devotionals, and watching you and your family flourish. I come from a long line of farmers. Thank you for bringing me back to my roots and renewing my faith. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! Again, thank you for all you do. You really have changed my life for the better.

  7. The reason bread is causing inflammation is because of all the preservatives they add to it. We found 4 ingredients in the bread we were eating that cause cancer and diabetes. Been making my own bread for a couple years now and recommend everyone stop buying store bought bread!

  8. Sourdough technique includes 5 stretch and folds at 20 minute intervals, as well as a last one finished by folding in 1/3's to rest before going into final rise. Pro Home Cooks has great videos on it. Not saying I've nailed it yet – my sourdough starter gets it's autolease blend tomorrow. We'll see!

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