Make room for MUSHROOMS! You can practically watch them grow before your very eyes. These fabulous fungi put the FUN into growing! In only two weeks or so, you can be picking your own immune sytem-boosting gourmet treats with these easy-to-grow methods. If you’re a fungi fanatic or a mushroom muncher, this one’s for you!
Caution! Do not eat any mushrooms or other fungi which you are not certain to be edible. Certain fungi can be extremely dangerous if ingested. Please buy mushroom spores and kits from reputable sources only.
Fancy growing your own mushrooms? Here are a few suppliers of easy-to-grow kits.
UK-based suppliers:
Gourmet Woodland Mushrooms:
US-based suppliers:
North Spore:
Fungi Ally:
If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
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Can you get the spores to drop on to a certain material to get them to grow more outside the kit like straw or something?
Do you spray the mushrooms as they grow?
whats your name?
Dumb question: can i use tea grounds or in other words the contents of tea bags instead of coffee grounds? Black tea and green tea? Thank you.
Where do you the straw pellets and spawn from in this video?
Confused, mushrooms grow outdoors without their environment being bleached?..why on earth do we have to bleach the tub,?
thank you good sir. i think ill buy a kit for a first try!
I remember many years ago that local stables in E Sussex had their muck picked up to be used for mushroom farms in old railway tunnels. It was a good way to recycle waste, shame it is not used now.
Hello pls where can i get oyster spawn internationnaly
If you leave one and print the spores you get unlimited mushrooms, why not teach people to print the spores and save more money?
I get stuck in a trance during the mushrooms transformations clips. It’s so soothing and satisfying
Where did you get the pellets from. Thanks
When can we get spawn from (NOT FROM THE INTERNET).
we just got a Lomi composter, do you think I can grow them in resulting mix?
Hi Ben, great content!
Quick one, when you grow them in the bucket on your own without any kit what is the ratio between parts: coffee grounds, mushroom spawn and straw pellets pls?
Many thks in advance.
Is it possible to buy a kit and find a way to keep the spores going and harvest it continually, not just 2 or 3 harvests?
Can I use pine wood stove pellets – they look just like the straw pellets?
love your videos
From where can I buy the mushroom seeds?
Can you do a video on puffball mushrooms.. they look so beautiful but can they be farmed?
Please do not “button” it! “Morel” dad jokes please! Yours is the “lion’s mane” channel that I view for mushroom content.
Thanks !
Vos commentaires cachent les images !!!
that was nice thank you
Wow, your tech is basic and dirty.