March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Jalapeno Time Lapse – Seed to Fruit in 126 Days

This one was also affected by the earlier infestation of tiny white bugs that i had in the studio. It held back the growth of the plant tremendously. You can actually see when i managed to defeat them at day 90 (0:56) but then i started slacking and they came back a month later at the end of the video.

But as usual even though the plant didn’t look the best the video turned out quite nice so I’m happy 🙂

Music from Epidemic Sound:
Virtuosity – Howard Harper-Barnes

Affiliate links:
Epidemic sound 30 day free trial:
Mars Hydro Growlights (Discount code: box) :


19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Jalapeno Time Lapse – Seed to Fruit in 126 Days

  1. The pepper time lapses have been honestly a bit relieving to see. I'm not necessarily a crappy gardener for my habanero plants taking so long to sprout/grow/flower every year; that's just how peppers generally are. Guess the solution, if I want more than right-before-the-first-freeze harvests, is to start plants indoors in like February, then pot them outside when everything else gets planted in April.

  2. always interesting to see these! Sounds like you definitely have a whitefly problem. Id recommend keeping one of those yellow sticky pads nearby the plants to trap them on.

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