March 25, 2025

VIDEO: DITL Getting ready to head out of town, shopping and clothes hauls!

#AcreHomestead #DITL #ClothsHaul

I have a link for 30 Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –

Hoss Tools –

Butcher Box
If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get FREE bacon for life and $20 dollars off your first five boxes!! —

Azure Standard
This is where I buy my bulk organic food!

Shop Cooking Equipment Here!
Microplane –
Rubber Spatulas –
OXO Cookie Scoops –
OXO Whisk –
OXO Good Grip Cutting Board –
Zwilling J.A. Henckel 5 inch Chef’s Knife –
Zwilling J.A. Henckel Chef’s Set Knife –
Kitchen Shears –
Boos Oils –
Boos Cutting Board –
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer –
All-Clad 6 Piece Stainless Steel Cooking Tool Set –
All-Clad 3.5 quart Pot –
Le Creuset Enameled 7.5qt. Dutch Oven –

American Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook—
Nourishing Traditions –
Ball Canning Cookbook –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: DITL Getting ready to head out of town, shopping and clothes hauls!

  1. I guess I don't understand why you would wash your eggs and refrigerate. If you leave them on counter unwashed, they last a very long time, not to mention saves space in the fridge. I don't have chickens but one of my employees does and she gives them to me unwashed. I float test and wash before using and I just used some that were 5 weeks old, all tested good.

  2. Putting laundry away is my least fav activity! Mom of family of 5 Ugh! Yes for a clean home to come home too! 2 Thumbs up! I am so excited for you~going out of town for graduation + more! Squeeee! Have a wonderful relaxing Christmas Becky & Josh!

  3. Becky, since you returned your heated blanket, I must recommend the beautyrest heated mattress pad.
    My husband and I were hesitant to make the investment, but it's been life changing.
    The heat it gives off gets insulated by your blanket and makes it really effective.
    It also has separate remotes for each side of the bed. My husband and I get to have the heat custom to us.

    I live in Tacoma WA and we have not had to turn on the heat so far this winter. The mattress pad does a good enough job. And keep in mind, we never even put it on the highest setting avaliable.

  4. Wanted to mention to you since you have a freeze dryer have you heard of Fast Beans? I watched it on RoseRed Homestead, thought you might be interested in seeing this. I have had no luck buying clothes online, I need to try them on, it seems even if they are the same size they never all fit the same. I once had a store tag left on a dress I needed for an event where a family member was receiving a major award and didn't notice until I was putting it on and didn't have the time to run all the way out to the mall before going to the event. I called the store and they actually sent someone out to the venue and take it off right before the ceremony started so it wouldn't show during the pictures, I was so lucky and now check every item before I leave the store. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't wash something before I wear it unless it is from a second-hand store. I can't wait to see what you grow in containers, I know you like to reuse things and I've been watching videos with a gentleman who uses used plastic bottles in creative ways to grow his plants, it is DHD Gardens. Hope you had a wonderful trip.

  5. Funny how we all have our least favorite household chores…mine is emptying dishwasher and putting items away. I am by no means a minimalist but have cut down on my supply of clothing and find that now that I have room in closet and on the shelves I don’t mind putting the clean clothes away. A very Merry Christmas to you and Josh.

  6. We are also both good at washing, but not as good at putting it away. Here is how we made it less bad. We don’t fold most little things: like undies and socks (I tether them at the elastic tops before I put them in the hamper.). They just go into the drawer as they are. We hang dry nearly all shirts. So, when they are dry, they just need to be moved, not hung or folded. We roll fold all base layers and workout clothes. For what is left to fold, I do like you: with entertainment. We no longer have anything that has to be dry cleaned and very little that needs even wrinkle release, never mind ironing. But when we did have some ironing, I’d wash/dry the shirts at home and take them to the cleaners just to be pressed. It saved a lot of time and wasn’t too expensive.

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