In part 3 of our garden fence series we’ll cover our attempt at keeping the deer and other large animals out of our garden.
Table of Contents:
0:00 – Introduction
0:41 – Recap and Overview
2:05 – Dealing with deer
3:58 – Chicken wire
6:08 – I’d rather have no fence
6:38 – Fence height
7:24 – Installing the fencing
10:32 – The results
Related videos:
Garden Fence (Part 1): Garden Layout and Installing Natural Fence Posts without Cement…
Garden Fence (Part 2): Keeping out small digging animals AND rhizomatous grass
“Gordon” the Groundhog is a new MOM?!
Ruth Stout’s Worst Enemy (rhizomatous grass in a deep mulch garden)…
Yay you guys are posting again!
Ah yes the latest annual installment from The Garden Fence Channel
Ah, this is exactly where I find myself! I am looking into solar electric fencing. Looking forward to your next installment!!
Deer walk into fishing line they don't care at all don't recomend it
What great animation and storytelling.
I always learn so much from your posts!
Is it important to have it mesh fence and see through. We have considered planting a creeping ivy that's easily managed to essentially enclose our garden.
Informative and fun to watch! I love your animations.
Very informative, good work guys
Happy New Year, guys! Excited to have more videos on your fencing.
Very interesting and amusing – my main problems here in UK are pigeons and slugs, so i think I'm luckier than you. Keep posting, please, you lighten our days in these trying times.
You need to attach durable 2 feet width plastic halfway throughout the fence. We use those plastic around tree in my village to avoid mouse climbing rice straw storage´s tree
happy new year
Mind you, I made a fence out of chicken wire about a year ago to protect some plants from our chicken, that is, I'm using chicken wire the other way around.
And just a few hours ago I was thinking of making a second fence for some part of the garden where I intend to plant some more. At least I don't have to deal with wild animals from the forest, just chicken and the occasional cat.
For deer repellent check out Perma Pasture Farm channel’s Bone Sauce. He sells it by the jar and it works with one application for several years.
I built an outdoor cat structure to allowing my cats to leave my indoor home to an large 300 sq ft play area via a tube from a bedroom window to the interior of the cat outdoor cat structure. I used 12 foot heavy duty deer fencing that attached to metal posts secured into the ground without cement. Cats, like racoons, climb, so I was not certain of my success to contain the beloved cats. But I learned that when the upper level of the heavy duty deer fencing exceeded the height of the posts it was quite floppy, which amazingly has kept them secure for 15 years now. Zip ties also work in a pinch when you grow tired of sewing sections of chicken wire together. Also, the original zip ties mostly held firmly for 15 years now. I did have to replace six or so over the years that became brittle, as plastic often does when exposed to the elements… mostly the sun. I look forward to see if you select my method to discourage climbers.
Great to hear from you guys! Happy New Year, all the best for 2022!
Nice to see another video from yourselves. I am impressed with the animations as well at the information. Good job! Hopefully this increase the productivity of the garden for years to come.
Have you heard about hog ring ties? When I was looking into fencing, in addition to the sewing method I have seen hog ring ties and fencing clips as alternatives. That could speed things up for a lot of fencing. Not sure it would be as good as the sewing method for attaching to hardware cloth though. I think your method may be best for they as it distributes the stress/ tension across a wide area, which is geuss is useful with the thin gauge of hardware cloth.
Just wondering: you´ve fenced your garden, how do you get in or out of it? That seems like a potential weak spot to me.
Living Traditions Homestead (YouTube channel) also had a deer fence installed. It's a double fence and he uses the inside as a chicken run, but he hasn't had any deer problems this year after installation. Most homesteaders use solar electric fencing to deter animals…this works also.
What if you choose a natural fence as a barrier such as a shrub with needles? It would take longer to "build" since you would need to wait for it to grow and act as a fence but it could be the next step when this garden fence is done.
Just a tip. I have made all sorts of genres and i would advise you to put a strong iron wire at the top of your fense to stregthen it.. attach it to each pole and with that light iron wire connect it to the material so it stays up from..
Good luck
I love your attention to detail ex) brussel sprouts in the deer's mouth Lol. Still loving your videos
HAPPY New Year!!
The links for fence's part 1, and for "Ruth Stout's Worst Enemy" are both broken.