March 22, 2025

VIDEO: PREPAREDNESS & 3 Hurdles That Hold YOU Back

Preparedness is critical, especially now. Here are 3 hurdles we all face and can slow you down on your journey to better self-sufficiency.
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching!
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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: PREPAREDNESS & 3 Hurdles That Hold YOU Back

  1. Amen sister, we have to do what we have to do regardless. Do what we can, when we can, however we can. I listen to no one that wants to tell me I'm crazy, I don't need to, You can only depend on yourself and God. Lets hope that more people learn that and do that.

  2. Thank you so much Patara. You have so encouraged me. Bless you. You inspire me to learn how to do more regarding growing, preparing and storing food, but mostly you inspire me with your good and godly attitude. I have many wonderful friends and family members but I consider you also one of my friends.

  3. Great video Patara!
    Hello All please get right with God! None of us know how long we will be here.
    Please cleanse your heart and mind and remove all hate, evil, envy, sin, jealousy, unforgiving and pride. Forgive, love, and never ever stop praising God!

  4. I would absolutely love to be able to afford solar for my home. And to have wood heat. Can’t do either. Very allergic to the smell of wood I know sound silly but I am. Allergic to many many things. There may be a day that I have no choice again. Grew up with it and may have to do it again someday. But solar isn’t in the budget at all.

  5. Just out of curiosity, are the deer that you show on a regular basis, the same deer? Do you recognize them? I enjoy your commentary, and how you speak to us, blunt but very polite. Thank you!

  6. I'm wanting a milk cow. I'm 62 yrs. old and have arthritis but still want to have one. I can deal with it, it's not that bad in my hands. My mother told me I don't need one at my age. Even though she is my mother, at this point, she can't dictate what I do…neither can anybody else.

  7. Hello! I have a quick question I need to ask, hope you find this quickly! My Dairy goat Daisy (full blood nubian) has been off her feed today, she wouldn't even take any mineral from my hand! (very unusual) Hasn't been any change in feed, I always give her a scoop of lamb grower. She might have had a tiny smidge more than usual, but not enough that it should have mattered? she is about 2 y/o and pregnant. Due I think end of January/early Feb (got buck in with her August 22nt, allowing time for them to get to know each other) Not sure what is wrong with her, hope you can help! She is my first goat, had her for about a year, never had a problem before. She gave me twin girls last year.

  8. The scriptures says that Idle hands lead to poverty. I am trying to go by this.

    I agree. We need to get rid of toxic people. I have done that this past 2 years. Now it is just me and my hubby.

  9. I'm going though an extra frig freezer and canning up those meats for the future. My great granny taught me to can as a teen. I'm now certified to teach food preservation, really pressing it and teaching my adult children. The (great grands) were cotton share croppers in central Missississippi before I was born and until my great grandfather passed in the 70's, his adult sons (8 of them) kept growing and picking by hand and selling, they also hunt, fish and my great granny always had a 2 acre gardens to feed all those sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  

    My father was half Choctaw, and he was huge on being a hunter. He hunted and fished and trapped and grew a garden. My mom only bought 'staples' at the grocery store. I made biscuits for the first time when I was 10 years old when my mom had my baby sister.

    I'm in the process of setting up a website to teach online how to preserve food and how to cook cheap but good food. People have lost those skills.
    My middle daughter's husband has now asked me to teach him to can food, got middle daughter hooked on dehydrating veggies and meats.  I'm currently in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles, I have 2 chickens, getting a few more, looking at raising rabbits (they are $30 a rabbit in the grocery store). And I'm helping a local bee keeper as an intern so I can get local honey. Momma is booking it, my family will eat and be healthy.

    I'm now delving into learning herbalism or natural medicine.  Helped my sister survive the Rona with double pneumonia. Keep up the encouragement Patara, we all need it. God bless you and James and your family.

  10. I don't know which States have Erie insurance offices. But they finally expanded into Kentucky a few years ago.
    We saved so much money by switching Home and Auto to them!! An example…we had a 2002 tundra, a 2016 avalon, and a 2020 Lexus NX SUV. A friend gave us a 2003 Lexus RX. When we called our agent she said "you are not going to believe this but you are going to get $950.00 BACK from us!" Funny thing is that we kept getting calls from the Frankfort Toyota dealership wanting to buy the 2020 that we ended up selling it for a little more than we paid for it and of course got another check back from Erie.

  11. Your birthday the best information I ever heard of i watch you all the time because I can’t believe there is someone who has the knowledge i have

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