March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Measured Medicine; Tincture Making with Greta Dietrich

Herbalist, Grower and Medicine Maker, Greta Dietrich of Woodswise Apothecary will demystify herbal medicine by taking a scientific approach to formula and practice. Learn the craft of tincturing, history, types of alcohol used, and reasons why we use a tincture instead of a tea, infusion or decoction. Greta will also cover when to use fresh or dried herbs, why it’s important to measure, how and why we must always label, determining dosage, as well as the responsibilities of being a medicine maker.

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Measured Medicine; Tincture Making with Greta Dietrich

  1. Can we get some info on “charging” tinctures? Like removing the spent herb from the alcohol after extraction and adding more.
    Does this increase the potency like I think it will?

  2. I started again making fruit vinegar. Let fruit sit in apple cider vinegar and when cold its like a juice. Eventually I will start back doing it from adding sugar to fruit yeast water but I could never tell when it was done since I kept feeding it lol. So still practicing. Using apple cider vinegar at least lets me know its already useable. Been trying to get vodka or something to put my vanilla beans in but people think since I'm bedridden im going to drink it lol. But I love the idea of making tinctures because my granny had a big jar of one that wasn't for children. But once she pulled it out for me to take a spoon of it. It had orange slices in and honey I think because it was thick and sweet. I think it was called repel. I didn't get the chance to ask why that moment was decided to give to me. Maybe something was spreading. I was a little sick that day but when I saw that I forgot all about it.

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