September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Johnny's Seeds Unboxing – Veggies, And The New Plan For 2022

This year I spent over $2500 with Johnny’s Seeds, partially because I’m seed obsessed, and partially because I needed a completely new seed stock because of the big changes we are making this year. As we transition to mostly being a flower farm for the 2022 season, I’ve had to do lots of research and learning about varieties that I’ve never grown before. But, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t still going to be growing a large variety of veggies – I’m too spoiled on homegrown veggies to not have a large personal garden. Join to discuss new carrot seed experiments, my over buying of gourds, and the other veggies that needed restocking in my grand seed hoard.

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Johnny's Seeds Unboxing – Veggies, And The New Plan For 2022

  1. Mellow Star is a shishito hybrid that looks and grows and tastes like a shishito, but none of them are hot – most shishitos do produce a certain percentage of pretty hot peppers, you just don't know which are hot until you bite into it. Have grown them a couple of years now and really like blistering them on the grill and then eating them out of hand, either with just a squeeze of lime or with a dipping sauce. Can't tolerate much heat, so these are perfect for me.

  2. I'm not able to watch the streams live, but I enjoy listening to your live streams later. Not every video has to be fast facts, it is nice to listen to a conversation style video too.

  3. I let my husband pick out the carrot varieties that we are growing this year and so now I have sooo many different carrot seeds. But no Mokum, so next year we’ll have add it. Have you ever asked customers why they buy or don’t buy certain things? I wonder if they don’t like to eat certain produce or they grow their own (like tomatoes) so that is why. I saw a bouquet of flowers where the included small lunchbox red peppers stuck onto a floral wire. Very fun. We grew rattlesnake pole bean (green with purple stripes) and we enjoyed them. We will not be growing squash for a couple years as we get lots of pest pressure.

  4. Absolutely love Kohlrabi. It is so versatile. Eat them freshly sliced. Gril them on the BBQ or oven roast them with salt and pepper with olive oil. Or make vegetable soup with Kohlrabi.

    However, my favourite is eating the leaves in stir fry. Flavor is unique with cabbage with Kohlrabi flavor. Purple adds a nice touch of colour. Stir fry with garlic and butter or use oysters sauce or soy sauce for a more Asian style flavour

  5. I wonder if you could sell veggie mixes in boxes or baskets to get your money’s worth. You can even add a small bouquet and recipes to raise the value. Kind of like those Hello Fresh boxes that are all the rage these days. Just a thought…one year I bought a bunch of little wooden bird cages super cheap to sell veggies but I never got to try them out.

  6. Could you make a video about the spacing of your carrots and salad mix? I’m also farming and it’d be helpful to know. Do you succession plant your carrots or plant all at once and leave in the ground until you harvest? Thanks!

  7. When ordering seeds, we gardeners need to stop before we reach the budget limit.
    Because, when the seeds and plants are ready in the local stores, things "accidentally" fall in our shopping basket quite often!

    WRT the different varieties of plants that people grow in their garden, but you can make money on with a farm. That's the reason, even a small home garden, is beneficial. They keep variety going!

    Everyone with a big vision feels behind because the completion seems so far away that we'll never get there. Thing is, life's a journey, not a destination to arrive at. So as long as we are safe and healthy, keep walking on!

  8. Hey, I just looked you up on where you are located….Kelowna,BC! Yeah!! I have family in the area. I myself, live in Medicine Hat, Alberta and SO wish I had an acreage to farm in. BUT, my husband put in a few 4 x 8 raised beds in and that's my growing area. LOVE the seed starting part…LOVE,LOVE…

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