March 21, 2025

VIDEO: 7 Citrus Tree Mistakes to Avoid

After a year of growing citrus here at the Epic Homestead, here are a few issues to avoid if you want more success growing citrus, no matter where you live.

00:00 – Intro
00:46 – Thinning The Interior
01:06 – Pruning Before Flowering
02:12 – Pruning For Shape
02:56 – Not Removing Fruit
03:55 – Letting Too Many Weeds Grow
04:32 – Not Preparing In Fall
05:44 – Not Protecting In Winter
06:53 – Outro


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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 7 Citrus Tree Mistakes to Avoid

  1. I am really enjoying all your videos. I have started growing all sorts of plants inside right now getting ready for spring to get a garden going and also some citrus! Also Growing my first batches of microgreens!

  2. Do you have any advice on what I can do with my mandarin tree? I didn't realize ants made a bed in the container & ate most of the roots in the summer. The top of the tree died, but on the bottom 3-4" of the trunk, there's is new growth now & it looks like more of a bush. I am unsure of what to do with it. It's about 3-4 years old. Should I prune some of the new growth away?

  3. Ok, my (major) issue is leafminers. Nothing I've done , neem oil, etc, keeps them away. Mesh bags help but then I have to remove when blossoms need pollinating. Do I trim off all the ruined leaves? Sometimes they ruin all the new growth and my trees dont progress.

  4. Hey hey I saw your other video. Not only can you eat the sweet potatoes, the leaves taste great too! You just need to cook them with a bit of garlic and they will become very soft. Great source of nutrition and fiber. And they grow super fast.

  5. A note on the Christmas lights-don't use the LED ones. They don't put off enough heat. They're also acceptable for keeping your oil from freezing if you don't have a head bolt heater on your car and you live in the north. Just like them up and stick them on your engine overnight.

  6. New subscriber here! I want to grow a garden this year. The only spot I have is facing East. I know, you’ve mentioned the direction of your garden is vital to the success of it. Do you think East facing would be good still?

  7. Hi there new listener of your podcast and I had a couple of questions I was wondering if you could answer them on there.
    1. Growing and selling seedlings. When do I start them so they’re not too big or too small to sell when it’s time to plant?
    2. If I grow asparagus bean (very underrated plant) near bush beans will they create a hybrid?
    3. Could you put silica packets with your seeds when saving them to keep them dry?? Or would they get too dry/altered?

  8. So I'm in AZ. I have lemon tree that is doing fantastic. I also have a mandarin orange tree that's producing pretty fruit, but there's no juice. It's been in the ground for 4 years. It gets fertilizer etc. What else should I do. I also have a like tree that seemed to be doing well then the branches started drying up. It's the same age as the mandarin, but is scrawny and sad.

  9. So i got this calamodin sprout last summer. It's teeny tiny, about 30cm high, and it's already got 4 little cumquats on it. Should i actually remove them? It's indoors now for winter and only getting water.

  10. I have a cara cara orange that needs some light pruning. I have NO IDEA when It's ok. It blossoms and starts to set fruit before we've finished harvesting the current year. The fruit is almost ready to go, but they're best in late February. I'm stumped.

  11. My citrus tree is still sad looking. I'm in Zone 9b in Phoenix and it starred putting off new branches over the winter. However, the leaves are browning and falling off. I'm not sure if it's because I lessened to watering once a week or not. But it was dipping into the high 30s, low 40s at night and was still very damp after 4 days so I lessened the water intake. Leaves were fine and green until last week. Any tips?

  12. Hope you see this as I'd love some advice. I have two trees that I'm about to pull my hair out over. I live in the central coast area which is usually death to citrus as we have cold winters but I have a beautiful west-facing courtyard enclosed on three sides that my dwarf lemon and dwarf grapefruit (large container potted) love. They're doing beautifully. Except for the bleepbleep scale I have on the grapefruit. I want to prune and thin out the grapefruit so I can more easily spray for the scale which hides on the underside of the leaf but now I'm not sure. I'd love some expert advice and suggestions on how to deal with the pest in more organic, less potentially harmful way.
    Second problem: My mom got a baby cara cara orange that she was planning to container grow the same as my lemon and grapefruit but it did not love the winter. My parents don't have my sheltered courtyard and the cara cara suffered for it. It still has a green trunk but lost all of the leaves. We move it to my courtyard, I gave it a small sprinkle of citrus fertilizer and positioned to get max sun while staying out of any wind or cold and I'm going to cross my fingers. The lemon sprang back for a worse case-although I may have rescued the root stock- so I'm tentatively hopeful. Any other advice on how to rescue a seriously stressed and dying citrus tree would be awesome. Thank you for your consideration and thank you for such accessible videos.

  13. Hello, new to this channel. Have you done a video on Nasturtiums?
    Last year I planted a single seed in a cinder block and they grew like ten feet tall and climbed the shed. I've read that they are good for compost and food. Anything else?

  14. Just a suggestion please talk internationally ie not fall but autumn, summer winter etc. not being critical just a suggestion from the Southern Hemisphere
    Keep up the great work
    Good one buddy

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