7 months… I was ready to give up a few times during this one. i don’t know what i did to it to grow so slowly and be so bushy. But i clearly did something wrong because it probably made hundreds of flowers and none wanted to get pollinated. I might have over done it with the fertilizer too early.
It was only when i transfered pollen from the previous jalapeno plant that i managed to make some flowers fruit. So the seeds from these chilies is a mix of jalapeno and Black Naga
Maybe not the best video but I’m glad i stuck with it.
Music from Epidemic Sound:
The Rose Garden – Howard Harper-Barnes
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I love your videos! Started planting things last week, tomatoes and mandarins, hope that they will sprout
love from the netherlands!
Interesting how different this pepper grows compared to other varieties
what a beautiful plant! one of the nicest ones i've ever seen on this channel!
Do one of sesame.
Like a little bonsai tree in the end, Beautiful
how high is the humidity in this space?
Fantastic video as always!
black nigga chili hhh
I've had this happen with my pepper plants before – it happens if the plant has too much nitrogen and not enough calcium & magnesium.
Great video, thanks for sharing your process in the description. It would be interesting to figure out what went wront with the pollination process. Good job though, I think it turned out great! Also – How often did you add fertilizer to it?
Very nice.
Wow! I'm glad you persevered! Quite the explosion of growth when viewed sped up.
marvelous. this plant is incredible
The lighting, the music, the editing, the patience… All makes this exquisite
Nvr stop making these pls
May i ask, how is the mango tree doing?
So bad i read the title as Black Ni- and i was like THEY GREW WHAT
какая потрясающая музыка!
в духе моцарта музыка!
That was a really good one!
I live in #Nagaland and it's one of my favourite during meal just love it
if you hand pollinate the flowers youll get more fruit
Just one seed producing so much. Love multiplication!!
What camera do you use to capture the time lapse?
Can you do behind the scenes?