March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Homestead chores after the STORM | VLOG

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homestead chores after the STORM | VLOG

  1. hey jess & miah I was sitting here watching the video, and saw Gaberial and wondered what does he eat?? Do you guys just feed him after all the farm animals?? Just curious lol

  2. Bless you Sweetheart! I just now seeing this, due to av avalanche of family coming in For Glen's dad's funeral. Glad you didn't have any bad stuff during the storm. We had a good bit of ice and falling limbs and power outages here in Newberry county! We were out for 36 hours, Yuk!

  3. Jess, I just wanted to tell you that I was watching a cooking show that was The Elliott Homestead, and Shaye was talking about seeing on people at the stores a t-shirt that said "Store bought tomatoes taste like disappointment." I said to myself, I must tell Jess about this. Love your videos, been watching you for years. Keep it up girlfriend.

  4. I live in London Ontario. We JUST got our first REAL snow fall for this winter… We have had snow falls this winter but just a little here and there… but now it feels like winter. I greatlyy dislike that wet muddy n cold time befor the deep freeze and i feel like you guys just have that as your winter. I would be out there rolling out bails of straw cuz I cant stand wet muddy animals ahaha

  5. thanks for saving my toddler from a giant meltdown, haha. Papa went outside to do chores and it's -30 out so baby couldn't go, this gave him enough goats to see to feel better and calm down lol

  6. I always see the perimeter fence/arbor with lights that Miah built around your garden. Its beautiful, I was wondering id he has done a how to on the build for this? I would love to do the same thing with my garden but not sure exactly how tall the posts etc. are on yours. Thank you for your wonderful videos.

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