March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Let's Talk SEEDS (Part TWO- What I'm EXCITED to grow this year!)

See the first part of this chat here:

Today I’m sharing the List of what I’m excited to grow in my garden this year and why!

I do not own the photos in this video. They were pulled from google and the seed companies listed below, namely Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Let's Talk SEEDS (Part TWO- What I'm EXCITED to grow this year!)

  1. Such a nice video. The beauty of a garden….
    My most hated enemy of that….japanese beetles

    Last season i had the largest garden spider i have ever seen. We even named her. She was a killing machine but so beautiful and colorful. She waa 4 1/2 inches across and made picture perfect webs

  2. My favorite pepper is the shishito.
    I also grew the Dr Wyche last year based on your suggestion. It produced big yellow mators and the largest tomato plant i have ever seen. It produced and thrived and i didnt baby it at all. No complaints its just that im a traditional red tomato guy but if I wanted a yellow one in this would be it

  3. I'm in SC as well, zone 8a. As far as watermelons, the only one that has done excellent for me with almost no maintenence has been the Charleston Grey Watermelon. I will always grow this one!

  4. I'm growing the rampicante from bakers creek this year for the first time. It says it can also be used as winter squash. Wondering if you had tried it as winter squash and what you thought of it. Or if it's better to pick young?

  5. If you want to have the best success with squash and you have problems with squash bugs, keep a small flock ducks where you grow your squash. It will eliminate the vast majority of squash bug damage.

  6. I have a feeling, based on my own experience with my garden, and some friends’ gardens, that the first garden you plant in a space that hasn’t had a garden before, seems to suffer MUCH less pest pressure, if any at all. It’s as if the critters and insects don’t know you’re there yet! So your new gardens will likely flourish and I’m excited and hopeful for you to have that luxury this year! It’s so enjoyable in any year, but feels like a gift when you don’t have the constant pressure of worrying what might be munching half your harvest that first season!! Good luck!

  7. Moved into my house last May and still got to get a pretty decent garden in but mostly started plants so I was pretty limited. I'm so excited for the spring and growing alllll the things and varieties that I've been wanting to try.

  8. Tomato " Midnight snack " what's your opinion. It's my test of which came highly recommended also for stewing.
    My favorite "Thornbury Terracotta "My neighbor's favorite for she from central America and loves for her dishes.
    Thanks can't wait much longer for your Tomato recommendations

  9. The only squash I’ve gotten a real harvest off of is the cucuzza. My others have all been killed by vine borers

    It’s a shame no one in my house will eat okra because it grows so well here in SC

    I grow noodle beans because of you. My husband cooks them in oil and adds apple cider vinegar and garlic. Soooo good

  10. I listened to your seed talk while I sorted, organized, planned, and labeled my seed box. I’ve started some seed in growing flats on my front patio this weekend as it’s warm and nearly past the freeze threat in central CA. The tomatoes will be started next weekend. Your heart for gardening and feeding your family well blesses me, so, my dear, in turn I bless you!

  11. Have you ever tried shishito peppers with amino acids/soy sauce/tamari, rice wine vinegar, and a little bit of honey/agave and sesame oil? We grill, or roast the peppers, mix up the other ingredients and toss the peppers into the mixture after blistering them. Let them cool slightly and combine well with the sauce. They're SO good!!!

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