March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Growing RED LENTILS Time Lapse – Seed to Lentil in 63 Days

This one also took some damage from the same bugs that have been bugging me for a while. But it managed to make a few lentil pods.

But overall it wasn’t a very exciting video 😀

Music from Epidemic Sound:
Harlem Spills – Nicky Dowling

Boxlapse merch:

Affiliate links:
Epidemic sound 30 day free trial:
Mars Hydro Growlights (Discount code: box) :


20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing RED LENTILS Time Lapse – Seed to Lentil in 63 Days

  1. I suggest getting yourself some Monterey BTI which will prevent the bugs almost entirely. I use it with high success against many indoor pests that would eat at my veggies/herbs/flowers. It fights off gnats, spiders, and even mosquitoes but is geared towards worms, though it is a bacteria that requires that it is consumed by the insect so mixing it with water going into the soil or on plants is recommended.

  2. Do ghost pepper please it’s become a wide family you can make multiple videos just doing the different ghost chilies I’d avoid orange as it just ripens to red but there’s red , peach ,chocolate , gold and a few others

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