Offset your carbon footprint on Wren:
The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name!
Ever wonder how much money a YouTuber makes? Ever wonder how we are able to spend so much money on the farm, but still pay our bills? Come and get all the REAL MONEY NUMBERS and a behind the scenes look of what goes into making a full time income on YouTube.
And join us as we look back over the year, remembering the good times and the bad. But always enjoying that we have a record of life on the farm. Check out the videos you missed here…
How Much Money YouTube Paid Us In A Year
Food On The Farm In January Food Storage Tour
Dried Flower Arranging For A ROMCOM Movie Set
The Easiest Paper Pots Ever!!!
Favorite Filler Flowers and Greenery with Flower Hill Farm
10 Most Profitable Cut Flowers with Flower Hill Farm
We Have A PROBLEM!!! Too Many Plants!
How To Soil Blocks 101 | Zero Waste Plastic Free Gardening and Farming
The BIGGEST Flower Day of the Year And Our Tulips Are TOO SHORT!
More Flowers Means More Money Harvesting Ranunculus
We CAN’T DO THIS Anymore!!! Harvesting For The Farmers Market
Roadside Farmstand During A Heat Wave | Secret Art Project Revealed
This Harvest Ends in Hospital
Massive Flower Harvest Heading To Market | And BLUE SUNFLOWERS?!?
Rainbow Farmers Market Stand Challenge
Our Best Farmers Market EVER!!! Fall Flower Abundance
Thanksgiving Is BIG MONEY At The Farmers Market | Vlog
The Legend of Flower Face Halloween Horror Harvest (PG13)
How Flower Farmers Plant Tulips For Cut Flowers
Will DRIED FLOWERS Sell??? At Our First Christmas Farmers Market
10 Lessons Learned From Third Year Farming
This video was sponsored by Wren
Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!
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Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name!
You are fun family to watch and learn growing farm from!
I am so glad YouTube made up for your loss in farming. I felt so bad watching your other videos and seeing you loosing so much money on farming. I’m much relieved because I love you two and your small family farm. Wish you greater success in 2022!!!
I love your attitude. Even things that don't work but you love, you do it. I think your energy is great.
You are two of the hardest-working YouTubers I've ever seen! Thank you for your transparency, your humor, and your generosity in sharing your knowledge. I'm proud to help boost your views up!
He didn’t wanna make this video but because you did I’m giving you a thumbs up and this comment #NewSubscriber
I watch all your videos but I'll admit, I skipped the Halloween special! off to watch the legend of flowerface despite my horror aversion!
thanks for all the content you made this year!
I love your channel I wish more YouTubers would do videos like this y'all are the real deal thanks for sharing
Thats awesome
I think it would be interesting to know as a viewer what actually makes you money from my views. If I see only the first 5 seconds of an ad and then push “skip ad” do you make money? If I don’t watch the whole video, do you make money? If I push like do you make more money? I would like to know these things so that I can help support channels that I watch more. If I am watching your content but doing things that are not contributing to your income I want to know so that I can change my habits to help you.
Would love to see how much this is per hour of filming and editing
Congratulations on your achievements! Well deserved! I hope you are well Sorina. Keep going!
Thanks for sharing!
You SAY you made $-X and then you WRITE $-Y. The numbers you write on screen DO NOT MATCH with what you SAY in the video. Which number is correct? Is this conversion from CAD to USD??? Without that info, your video is not as helpful.
Glad you are feeling better, Love you guys.
Commenting so you get more views! Hope this year is even better than the last!
I love your videos!! You guys crack me up. I also really love your honesty. The idea of filming the joys and hardship of farming is something that is hard but also encourages others to start farming / gardening and that’s invaluable!!!!
You two work soooo hard! I’m glad you get income from YouTube. You deserve it.
Great video and thank you for sharing about Wren!
Wow! I'm so happy for you! It's a win-win…we get to benefit by learning from you and enjoying your process, and you get to profit!
Truely, I do not watch Don't Eat The Grass income videos for drama at all. I will not watch YouTube and farm income video from all of the YouTube channels, they are not all equal, do not give comprehensive information. Don't Eat The Grass, Flower Hill Farm, thats it. Nichol's was the first one I ever watched, it presented really good factual, information about her personal situation, with practical even cautionary examples of her experience. I appreciated her candor so much. Your candor is equally valuable to me. I want to start flower farming, southern Virginia. I need to learn, and be encouraged. I am encouraged. Thank you and well done guys. I hope you continue to grow and pray God blesses and protects you, your family, and work.
Omg! There is no. Global warming! Climate crisis? Global warming light? The Paris accords changed nothing! Only America changed anything! Thanks to billions of American tax dollars. Don’t just read! Research! The climate will always change. Like your show.
I've been out of touch with gardening for a year or so, but super happy to come back to this video and see y'all being so successful with your channel!