3 Chicken Breeds I need & you need, too!
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching!
~ Quail Egg Scissors HERE: https://amzn.to/3GDds6e
~ Energy Bomb: https://amzn.to/3oh34dm
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Fight Bac: https://amzn.to/3CkoniV
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp
*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
#appalachiashomestead #easttennesseehomesteader #chickenbreedsforsuccess
I have a couple types of girls now and they're getting up there in age. Still laying the Wonder and at what point do we retire them to freezer camp
Blue laced Red Wyandotte hands down
Thanks for sharing your experiences with chickens!!
I have silver and golden wyandottes and ayam cemanis. And thanks to jail breaks hybrids of all. Cemanis were a fad buy but my cemani hens are good layers and broody. Extremely flighty and have poor cold tolerance. Will phase them out. I love the wyandottes and would like cuckoo marans and easter eggers Comets sound interesting though.
BO by far the best breed ever!!
What is a breed for the colored eggs?
You are the best, Pantera. Thanks for looking out for us!
So informative..thank you!!
I love reading about the different breeds in our Murray McMurray hatchery catalog ! Of course, I recommend supporting a hatchery closest to you who's practices you like etc. ! I just had never ordered chicks before ( still haven't ) and that was one who's name I was familiar with and who many homesteaders have really liked. I have really enjoyed the info in their catalog, which I think I for free just by requesting one.
Patera – u must be further south than I realized ! Looks very green there ! I am in NW Wisconsin, hi from the cold, snowy north !
Great to know.
Love Barred rocks
Love ur chicken videos
Our city, although it's a small one, only allows us to have 3 chickens. No more than that. I would love to raise them, but with only 3 allowed, it's hard to invest the money and time to do that when Aldi had a dozen eggs for 49 cents. Now it more like $1.50 a dozen. But it's still way way cheaper to buy them. Be sure you check your community rules on the number you are allowed. We can't have bee hives either, which I'd love to have.
Love my naked neck hens! This year I would like some barred rock hens to add to our flock, supposed to be hearty in winter. None of my chickens have gone broody, something to look foreward to because we want them to be broody and raise our meat birds. I tried to count your birds as they came out the coop, too fast. Take care.
I love the heart wreath. That is so pretty.
I love the footage you got of the birds going through the door.
Yes MAAM Buff Orpintons are the absolute best bread for us too.
I agree with you. The buff and the barred were always my choice too. At least for hens. My barred rooster was the meanest bird i ever had. To do it all over again, I'd go for those two breeds again.
Patera the chicken master queen! I Totally agree! I love them all, but if i could have only one… GOLDEN COMET!
Absolutely agree with you on the buff orpingtons! And the barred rock. My oldest hen is a barred rock and she is going on 9 years old! Now she no longer is used for eggs however her knowledge and experience that she teaches our younger birds on free ranging is absolutely priceless!
Cool. I may think about the barred rock to integrate into my Wyandottes. I think they may be the best as far as extreme cold here in Maine. My rooster is a mixed breed and uS a large comb which has a little freezer burn this year. Gotta watch for that. I too am upgrading and that will include reassessing my coop. I need to add some natural sunlight and get it insulated more, move around a few things too so I can get a dust bath in there in winter and make it more user friendly. I've only had chickens for two years and see the error of my ways!
Nice beaded earrings. #Native
Where's a good place to order from . I'm in Nevada?
I have all three of those breeds and I am doing the same thing this year. Adding more of all three.
One of my Buffs went broody last year only 2 eggs they ended up roosters. They are beautifull boys.