Enrollment is open now: https://journeywithjill.net/dream-to-garden
Plan a full season garden using succession planting and other strategies through this online course, Dream to Garden. In this video, see examples of how the concepts are used in raised beds, containers, and more.
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I miss the course!
I set a reminder and everything !
Hey y'all, So many great topics. Knowing how and when to employ the various techniques in your area and climate is the ultimate factor between some success and major success. Most people don't plan to fail they fail to plan. Taking a calendar and marking when to start when to harvest and when to close up a patch all very important if you have a small space or short season and are trying to get the maximum yield. Sounds like a very helpful course good luck! Y'all take care bye for now
good vid!
everything you do looks amazing friend I already subscribed to your channel
What Zone are you in?
Excellent video
Excellent plans
I like your style