Herbalist, Grower, and Medicine Maker, Greta Dietrich of Woodswise Botanicals, a certified botanical nursery, will demystify herbal medicine with a practical and grounded approach Learn the craft of tincturing, history, types of alcohol used, and reasons why we use a tincture instead of a tea, infusion or decoction. Greta will also cover when to use fresh or dried herbs, why it’s important to measure, how and why we must always label, determining dosage, as well as the responsibilities of being a medicine maker. In part 3, Greta talks about dilution with alcohol and determining the ‘proof’.
Great video and part 1 and part 2 are great. This whole series is thorough and informative. Thank you so much. Also first to view and comment…
I have really enjoyed this series. I'm new to medicinal herbs & preserving in oils & tinctures. This is extremely helpful for me, thank you
Great series. Thank you.
I have made a lemon balm tinture in the Fall of 2021. It has been on the shelf without being strained since then. Is it still beneficial? I have strained it but wondering if I can still use it
Thank you Greta Detriek. Very clear and practical presentation…all 3 parts.
Lovely, thank you for the information and demonstration. Much appreciated. However, I was hoping that you will go over the making of the tincture, meaning take a plant and use vodka, which vodka (100% proof). How long to let it macérate in the vodka, etc. I am straggling with this part though.
Is part 4 out??
Phenomenal, incredibly useful series! For the question at 13:30… i would add at least 35% ABV and store. Then when I'm ready to drink it, bring it to almost a simmer for 5-10 min. The boiling point of alcohol (ethanol) is 173°F, less than water. You won't lose a significant amount of water when not boiling.
Best tincture making video on Youtube ! Thanks!!
Quick question: how do you make a 1:1 tincture (or even a 2:1 )? Buhner talks about Eleutherococcus at a 2:1 ratio to treat lyme disease. I made my own 1:5 tincture, but still don't know how to make a 2:1 (I seems like the plant material won't be covered at all with such ratio). Thank you !!