March 23, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Common Garden Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 😱

We all learn from our mistakes. 😧 But you don’t have to! 😍 Learn from the advice of a gardening expert instead. Find out what the pitfalls are so that you know exactly what to avoid. Your garden will thank you for it! 🙏

In this week’s episode, Ben talks us through the 5 most common gardening mistakes, so you can start the growing season with a spring in your step.

For our video on companion planting, see

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Common Garden Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 😱

  1. You started as a young kid and did it all on your own? My parents started the veg garden which was a little bit bigger than what you showed you started with. It was a joint activity with all the kids. The most exciting thing is when it actually produces a fruit, just at the beginning right after the flowers are gone. The greatest motivation is the more delicious taste, and lack of the nasty unhealthful chemicals in commercial produce. We're all organic here.

  2. i unsubbed mate, due to the ""garden planner"" basis to some of it.
    im a contientious objector ot the technaziism that most seem to comply. so… But other than that, you have decent gardeming vids mate.
    take care

  3. I've only started my veg garden in Dec I'm very new to it and I think the most exciting is when the veg flourishes, we've had an awful summer because the first month was like winter, and now its finally warmed up so everything has been really slow. I've been learning about soil, and feeding the plants, originally I only thought about watering the plants being the most important thing. I'm growing my first sunflowers and capsicum from seeds too for the first time and its so exciting!

  4. Hi Ben, thank you for the excellent and timely advice. Will be putting this to good use for sure as the adventure begins again. It's so valuable to invest in a home veggie plot – benefits definitely outweigh the cost.

    However, I had to watch the video several times – nothing wrong, just that adorable pup is really distracting, LOL!

    Hope the gardens of you and your subscribers is fruitful and productive in 2023. Keep up the great work!

  5. Hello Ben,
    This is Klaus. I love your sure there’s not a week where I don’t listen once or twice to your inspiring words. I’m an old man but I have a brand new gardener for the last three years and I’m limping every which way. I have a really small garden, and like to sew some thing which is not available in the supermarket. That means I grow different herbs and also plans.
    My new plant, which I am starting up as seedlings; is for the area in my garden, which is roughly 10 x 10 ft. In this area I’d like to plant all Ramson or Bearleek and many other names. It’s very common in Europe and it grows there in the forest. I just started 150 seats in a plug form container.
    I placed one seat on top of each plug, as the instruction sent and now I’m hoping for the best and I’m looking for your advice if you can give me any. I love to hear what you have to say. I really want to make this grow before I expire. Not to worry I am not in a hurry to go anytime soon. Thank you Ben for your great source.

  6. You mentioned a slug & snail attack in this video… Could you make a video on how you deter the little buggers haha. I hate them, I've tried loads, from egg shells – chilli flakes!

  7. Thanks for the helpful tips! After decades away from gardening, I'm back into it and enjoying every minute! I'm also guilty of struggling to thin my plants (but getting better!) and am thrilled to give away starts that I can't use. It doesn't take much effort and makes others happy. No great tips except that I take notes and take pictures so year to year, I can continue to improve.

  8. I am similar. I appreciate seeing the growth. I like knowing the seeds have woken up, but also flowering and other development is so exciting. I’m not seasoned in gardening so I enjoy the education. I mainly have learned about viticulture in school, but not all the other great vegetables. Thank you for encouraging us all. I hope everyone has a good harvest this year.

  9. I'm responsible for a collective garden in the North of Canada where the fresh food is severly overpriced and sometimes even wilted when it arrives. The garden project is a matter of survival of the community up here. I think i've not avoided one of the pitfalls tho, year one of production and we have a big greenhouse, multiple growing beds and over 30 raised beds… Well, time to find employees before spring ! XD

  10. Hi Ben, since you want to know why I started gardening. Here my story. I had chemo and 5 months after the treatment I fell in a dip. A project like creating a veggie garden was my way to get out of it. My barn had a stock of old big beams. Used 56 of them to create rectangulars. In the summer and fall my garden was abundant ant beautiful.
    It was the joy of my life. That was my year 2022.
    Thanxs for your informative videos.

  11. I live in Denver CO and started gardening for the freshest and most nutritious ingredients to use in cooking. The return of investment is my top priority, as yard work is not my bliss, but cooking is. So far it is going well and I am looking forward to get next season started. We have a short growing season so may add a little greenhouse to lengthen the season a bit. I am enjoying and getting a lot from your videos.

  12. I've grown huge gardens most of my life. Now that I have to scale down and think of the basics, the hardy growers are a great reminder of where to spend my energy.
    Thanks for featuring your pup, he or she is so sweet! Ben, you always remind me why I love getting into the dirt. It's love

  13. Hi – got a question! My kale seedlings were eaten by something overnight in the little tunnel i have – I have put water in the under tray which seems to have helped – any tips? Janice

  14. I originally took on an allotment because the local community was converting an agricultural field to allotments within the sight line of my house, and I thought allotments looked quite messy and ugly, so I decided it was a case of beating them or joining them! It's been good fun but the freakishly hot weather last year led to a massively reduced yield so by the end of the growing season we were a bit depressed about the low return on all our hard work. We are trying to be more optimistic this year.

  15. favorite part of gardening… all of it! Just set up our new gardens. I'm going big even though everything/everyone says to start small. I had some smaller gardens out in the Nevada desert that did pretty well, Now we're settled in Maryland where it actually rains and I am so excited to grow! Since this is year 1 of gardening here I'm not planning on getting much of a harvest. So anything we do get will be amazing. I figure its a year of set up and learning. This will also be the first year I've ever kept a gardening journal. Between missing gardening, and my pottery being on hold (need to get a kiln set up still), I've really missed having my hands in the mud!

    One of the things I did out in Nevada, was whenever I had onions start growing in the pantry, I would take them out and plop them into the garden. I was so surprised at how beautiful the flowers were on them! The first time was kind of an experiment, now its become a habit because they're gorgeous.

    oh, and this is the first time i've ever mixed flowers in with the vegetable garden. I've been using the planner and figured out what flowers help the veggies. I'm so excited!

  16. I am a Scout Merit Badge councilor, I have a group of six scouts 3 boys and 3 girls that will be working on their Gardening Merit Badge this spring. What would you suggest that I have them grow? They all need to Do a germination percentage test, Grow six veggies 3 from seed and 3 from seedlings, the same for flowers, for I am thinking potatoes, radishes, Beans and zucchini. I am not sure for flowers What would you suggest.

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