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Your stickers are beautifully creative, but please tell me how do people use them? I love watching your site and learning. I am 78 and have a little backyard and attempt to grow food, I have to plant in large pots because of gophers! I did have three chickens but after some issues have decided not to have them this year. I have to focus on other projects. I love to see how you both work so lovingly. with each other. Blessings to you all, ~Anna
Does anyone know if they still have that Great Dane? we see all the other house pets, but hes massive and how could he just never be in a video? did i miss some update?
I love how Miah is always surprising you with little inventions that make life easier for you. You have a good man there, you are very lucky.
Website is beautiful! You guys did a great job!
HI !!! I love you guys.. been watching you for so long!!! Thank you for sharing your lives with us. You are all so motivating!! For a few years I have been gardening and I just got chickens this past year and I just love this lifestyle and want to progress it into more!! My hardest struggle I have is patience!!! It has gotten the best of me lately. Watching your channel and how you work so hard and have slowly moved up is amazing. I was wondering if you could tell me your best advice in a few words how you think and stay patient waiting for all of your different projects to get done!!
So excited to visit your website !
Great idea on the soap pump. But why not use utter butter?
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!
Hahaha!! I can relate to continuing to do some things the hard way.
Can you add your sourdough recipe and process to your website?? I've recently got into this and made a starter from scratch and still trying to find a recipe and process I like best.
I am so excited for your kidding season!! I love the cows and garden stuff but there is just not enough goat videos. Wishing you wellness and joy on this journey and that God blesses you this year. Much love from Missouri.
OMG talking about the cattle gate brought back so many memories! My great uncle had I cattle farm where I spent loads of time. I never knew those pipes in the ground were specifically for cattle.
my gosh smart MAN love it
Get a pull along wagon for transport of your milking goods. Farm & Ranch places usually sell them. Your Milker and milk pail fit perfectly. Also, coming from ranching background and having milk cows years ago, one of the BEST items to have in a bovine repertoire is Corona Bag Balm. It works wonders on all kinds of skin conditions, even human. No cows anymore but I still keep Corona in the house. Not the green bag balm container.
I really do think you should write a beginner gardening childrens book because you have so much experience with your own kids … I think it would be beneficial to us future parents dreaming of teaching our children as well. It would be nice to have a guide in how to include children in the garden.
LOVE the olive oil dispenser! Sweet Miah for the win!
we pre ordered your book. WE love it. I WANT the "PERFECT" hoodie, about not using pesticides. I cannot find it.
That milking machine looks so much like what my Dad used on Bossy. 60 years ago!
Please write a children's book. That would be so awesome.
What host do you use for your blog?
Oh my goodness! I want all your hanging plants!!!!
If you ever open a store in Idaho I'll manage it for you! I'm so excited for you to get going on the next phase, I thought it would be another year.
good for you
stickers are SOLD OUT
looking forward to more …glenda