March 27, 2025

VIDEO: The Dream Chicken Coop | Full Tour with @Carolina Coops

Check out Matt and Carolina Coops here: Well, the day is finally here that I grow more than plants at Epic Gardening HQ…chickens are coming! In true epic fashion, I had to go directly to the creator of what I consider to be the most well-thought-out and crafted coops in existence, Carolina Coops. Come along as I tour you through my custom Epic Coop.

0:00 – Intro
0:13 – Tree Removal and Build
2:11 – Coop Overview
2:49 – Automatic Chicken Door
4:06 – Double Dutch Door
4:58 – Egg Hutch
7:12 – Hen House
10:34 – Interior Run
12:37 – Water Bar
14:00 – Cupola


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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Dream Chicken Coop | Full Tour with @Carolina Coops

  1. I have Buff Offingtons ,a docile and friendy breed.Dual breed chickens-egg layers/meat birds and willl go broody and hatch/raise chicks. I got my baby chicks from Meyere Hatchery online because they could guarantee all females ,

  2. That's an outstanding coop!! But your are nuts to have 6 chickens in the city. Have fun and no sleep. It will be interesting to see what your neighbors say. Now that a video!

  3. that chicken coop has as many special features as a 2022 kitchen…….so impressive!! No worries here….enjoy your chickens. WOW!! predator proof – self watering – easy to clean – easy to extract eggs. What else can one ask for? Great purchase!!

  4. Check out THE CHICKEN CHICK videos. She is awesome and is probably the best resource on how to take care of chickens. Your coop is not finished until the predator wire is put at the bottom. Matt is awesome and makes the best coops. Love , love all his videos. Enjoy your new girls -know you will end up with more than you think you need!!!!LOL

  5. I love the coop. Super fancy! But what is your plan to deal with all the gaps at the bottom where it meets the ground? I was waiting to hear what you would recommend as a resolution but it wasn't mentioned.

  6. Congratulations on your beautiful chicken coop. I love Carolina Coops, I always watch their live shows. It’s my dream to have one, but Unfortunately I can’t afford one.

  7. Awesome coop! I have Australorps, Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers. My Easter Eggers are the sweetest and lay more consistently than all of the chickens I have. The Orpington and Australorp are good layers too.

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