March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Start Seeds With Us: Seedling Mixes, Varieties, and Special Tips

Join @Jacques in the Garden and I as we start our first batch of spring seeds! Whether you’re in the dead of winter or are beginning to think of starting yourself, grab a warm drink and soak up some gardening knowledge.


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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Start Seeds With Us: Seedling Mixes, Varieties, and Special Tips

  1. Ok so I love this, you always make things so enjoyable and fun but here’s my question for you and one of the biggest reasons why I freeze up and basically never get any seeds started in trays (I say that , but this is only my second year having and in ground vegetable garden lol) but! But but , okay answer me this, all of this looks lovely and doable but now what?! What do you do with your trays once they are planted up? Where do you store them , do they get lids, do they go under grow lights or on hot pads or do they just hang out outside?! I live in zone 5b and there’s still snow on the ground so I know things will be a bit different for me but I’m just wondering where in the world you put all of these trays and what you would recommend if you dont have a greenhouse) Would love to see a sneak peak of this side of things !? I’ll look through past vids to see if you’ve already touched on this but I would love to know?! Coming from someone with limited space and children and dogs running about.

  2. I live in San Diego too and heard, that for the milkweed, the tropical milkweed is the one you want to grow because the Monarchs in our area don't migrate because of our constant warm weather. The tropical lets them stay and eat year-round. So at this point I'm not sure what to do. I want to help, but I want it to be correctly.

  3. I thought my dog was the only one in love with tomatoes. I don't use tags, I have a bit of a problem with writing out that many tags. I label the seed cells , B, C etc then I type up on my computer what is where. When I pot up I use solo cups and write on the solo cup, which are reusable and just wipe them off with rubbing alcohol before reusing them.

  4. I hail from North Carolina, and it is so nice to see folks from home there on your property!! Good luck with the chickens. Get some chicken runs to go right over your rows. Pest control and fertilizer all at the same time.

  5. I've been wanting to plant milkweed for the local butterflies here in NY. However, I heard you're supposed to stratify the seeds and either winter sow or put them in your fridge for a month prior to planting. Is this not true? Or is this for a different variety than what you plant in a warmer climate?

  6. CROWS/ BIRDS TIP- I actually work with the crows and all the other birds that visit my garden.
    I have bird baths all over the garden and I have bird feeders as well. I do choose carefully where I put them though so I can invite them away from my fruit and veggies and to the areas they don't really bother me.

  7. Love this video! For my seed labels, I laminate the seed packet, and then staple it to a wood stake—eventually I put those in the garden and it’s fun and looks neat!

  8. just get a chalk board or a rock and write down what youre planting wdym developing laser etched labels lmao, i guess steel is the future tho

  9. I’m growing lettuce indoors since our warm weather now causes some lettuce varieties to bolt despite temps dropping back down to 60s and 70s. Some lettuce varieties have withstood our weeklong 80-90 degree heat waves. I will be growing these hydroponically using the kratky method. We pay huge amounts of money for our residential water so kratky is the way to go.

  10. Hi! We have already started 2,000 seeds, so very helpful! I went onto your website, and was trying to find a FAQ. I recently adopted a spider plant and its…crawling. In the same style most golden pothos do. Is this okay? What do I do?

  11. I use Popsicle sticks for anything that is not perennial. If its perennial, than I use plastic tags to help me remember it the next year, after that year I usually remember whats where. If I direct sow, I use the large Popsicle sticks so I see them clearly and I don't mess up sown seeds.

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