Matt from came out to drop some chicken knowledge for us as we venture into the world of chicken keeping. There’s SO much to know, so we collected questions from the Epic Gardening community and selected the most popular ones for him to answer in this rapid-fire chicken keeping Q&A.
00:00 – Intro
00:38 – Building custom chicken coops
01:08 – Where to put a coop?
01:40 – Chickens and quail?
02:06 – Frost bite on combs?
02:38 – Best bedding for deep litter?
02:50 – Deep litter in cold climates
03:08 – Broody hens
03:35 – Best material for a coop
04:08 – Quiet breeds
04:28 – Space for chickens
04:59 – Chickens without a coop
05:29 – Common diseases
05:46 – Best breeds for eggs
06:14 – Chickens and dogs
06:33 – Feeding chickens scraps
06:58 – Paint and stains for coop
07:23 – Daily chores
07:48 – Getting an orange yolk
08:12 – Raccoons and snakes
09:12 – Airflow in coop
09:27 – Cleaning raised coops
09:56 – Maintaining coop screens
10:01 – Cost to keep chickens
11:06 – Fancy coop features
11:37 – Introducing new birds
12:23 – Breed and egg flavor
12:41 – Carolina coops history
13:35 – Outro
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Before we get the question – YES we are filling the bottom of the coop with dirt and building a predator apron
How are you going to stop the chickens destroying your garden beds (crops)
I absolutely love all the thought put into each of the features on the coops. Is there any similar design team working in Europe? I’d love to get my hands on a Carolina Coop but even if there was international delivery, the import taxes would make it impossible.
What a great video.
I’m jealous
thank you so much for this!!!
Yes, what you feed your hens matters for their flavour. I can't stand the onion eggs. They really do taste like onion in a very unpleasant way.
It costs me about $80 to feed 35 chickens Every month. They also have pastor time and get to run on a compost area.
Now where do we get the hemp that won’t break the bank? It’s not available in my area that I’m aware of.
I disagree on the paint. I had some paint chipping off the side of my garage and they ate it up.
Co-housing chickens and turkeys is not recommended due to risk of histomoniasis, blackhead disease. Chickens are usually asymptomatic but turkeys can be severely affected if they pick up the shed parasites from chickens.
When we had chickens, we had a good experience with ducks in the same enclosure. (We did have a rooster to prevent the drake from trying anything with the hens.) One year, we had a broody Buff Orpington hen and put three duck eggs under her… she hatched a lovely brood of healthy ducklings!
Lord of the clucks!
I was able to get rid of the common cold permanently with the herbal herbs medication I bought from Dr Osaoji on YouTube.
What are you going to do when your hens are past their prime egg laying stage?
Long horns Rhode Island reds an arucucano chick's beautiful you get good food from roosters
What do you do with all your vegetables and eggs, etc..? You can’t possibly eat all of it. Please let me know. Thank you!
Oh this is awesome I just finished revamping my chicken run on exactly it's 95% the way I want it to be for where it is and I used to have a little one like this but I don't need it to a friend of mine that still uses it today that I built.
What is the size of your new Homesteader coops? How long is the wait list for a customized coop?
Can you tell me where I can buy the Ecuador Polora dragon fruit
Can you tell me where I can buy the Ecuador Polora dragon fruit plant
I love the acknowledgement of them being woodland animals. People forget they can get up into trees and need cover from hawks.
Feed cost can be greatly reduced if you ferment your feed. It’s a bit messy until you get then hang of it but it’s much better for the chickens and stretches the $$ a lot. Lots of good you tube videos about it.
I can't let the chickens out something always lurking waiting for the opportunity to eat a chicken or all of them
I’ve had no issues with ducks and chickens though it’s always best to have separate pens, I have heard turkey poop is toxic to chickens