March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Kale Every Time!

“Eat your greens!” they said…and they weren’t wrong! Kale, (like all leafy greens) are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. Nutritious, delicious… and so easy to grow! What’s not to like?
In fact, they’re so delicious that it seems everything in your garden wants to eat them too… Ben teaches what to look out for and how to care for our precious leafy friends in this week’s episode. With his expert tips, you’ll be growing perfect kale every time, in no time!

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grow Perfect Kale Every Time!

  1. (I say this in humor please forgive) but who began this scale propaganda? They've now put it in my bag of organic green salad. My son keeps baking it passing in office potato chips and now I found this very attractive arrangement in the floral section at Publix and I thought well that's attractive I may be able to dry it and use it as a floral arrangement. Low and behold, it's KALE !! Kale, it's all around me. And by the way, no you cannot dry and make it a pleasant floral arrangement. Sorry guys it's kind of like endive, I don't know who decided to put this in my salad but I don't like it. :-))

  2. Thank you! I’ll be growing mine in my Aerogarden, but was super clueless! My bunny is going to be pumped, and anytime I can skip the store, I’m pumped!

  3. Hello, even without adding compost every year your soil is really fine and crumbly how did you manage to get it like that? Great site informative kind regards Gwen

  4. Never grown it before,bit I have been getting the 'grow your own' magazine which comes with seeds and it came with some. So we are going to try to grow it this autumn….it's curly kale so will see what happens. I have it in plug trays ATM and will pot on into 9cm pots so it can stay on my greenhouse shelving set,we have the door kept open coz of the heat we have,but that also helps with getting it used to being outside,less hardening off to do.asbits getting wind,sun and even rain,which we had last night,has blown in and let things moist.
    Waiting for all this heat to die back a bit,as everything I have plantes so far has bulted due to the heat and lack of water. I plan to add some manure to the grow bags before replanting in 3-4 weeks. Give it chance to break down a little and start to help the compost hold more water.

  5. I plan to grow curly kale in pots or small containers so that I can pick them up and move them around the yard, so I can follow the sun, and shade. I'm wondering that if rain showers/storms are coming should I move the containers into a shed, or let them sit out in driving rain?

  6. Hi Ben, I think I asked before but I can't not find my comment from last season. What kind of kale is it that you grow, the big leafy type. Thank you for all your help and videos!

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