March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Greenhouses 101: Everything You Need to Know

Get the skinny on greenhouses in this breakdown. Growing under cover, whether it be a hoop house, greenhouse, or polytunnel, is THE best way to extend your season and even grow crops that you “shouldn’t” be able to grow in your climate. Chris drops knowledge on the basics of greenhouse growing.

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Greenhouse Overview
1:07 – Types of Cover Structures
1:45 – Glazing Types
4:50 – Greenhouse Styles
5:54 – Climate Control
6:27 – Greenhouse Heating
6:57 – Polytunnel Heating
7:45 – Cooling Options
9:59 – Cost
11:13 – Heating, Cooling, and Shade
12:01 – Air Circulation
13:35 – Outro


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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Greenhouses 101: Everything You Need to Know

  1. I would love to see a video about greenhouse growing specifically in hot, arid areas! I live in Southern California zone 9b where our summer heat waves can hit 119° for almost a week at a time. I'm moving at the end of the month and I'd love to have a greenhouse in my new backyard but I'll definitely need some tips on heat management. Thank you so much!

  2. So at this point after describing the direct sun effect of window panels, I'm not sure I heard her compare it to polycarbonate. My question is. How do the polycarbonate panels attribute to the sun light?

  3. greenhouses aren't JUST for cooler climates. people who have a large population of, let's say, disruptive critters roaming around and nosing into their beds, can also utilize these.

  4. Kevin, where did you get this lady? Smartest move you’ve made on this channel, she’s a keeper! Chris, you’re a keeper! I’ve been a fan of this channel for a long minute now, but learning good information from the PacNorWest is great for me since I’m moving from SoCal to closer to the PNW.

  5. I get a lot of cold humidity ( ocean fog ) in the summer ( June/ July ) and would like a video on how I can use my greenhouse during this time to grow tomatoes, squash, cucumbers etc. because they can get mildew if I grow them in the garden. My greenhouse stays warm ( 80 degrees +) and dry during these months and I can grow a second round of veg outside in August- November when the fog is gone. I’m a block away from the ocean and the fog can get very thick in summer when the valleys get hot.

  6. Such an informative and fantastic video. Thank you! My one question is how in the world can I sustain a year round microgreen farm inside either a greenhouse or polytunnel in a low desert environment where summers rise up to 120F?? Any advice would help!

  7. I would love to hear about pollination in an enclosed environment. I built a small tunnel last year and had pepper plants in there. (I get super hot sun in Sonoma). They didn’t blossom. I dug them up and planted them outside in the garden and they thrived. Do certain plant grow better in an enclosed space?

  8. Kevin we all know change is hard and as much as I love seeing other gardeners on this channel I come for you great energies( not that I don’t like kris) but you should put in the title which Gardner is featured in the video just so I know who is where doing what

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