Just a moment to say you are doing an awesome job!
I am so proud of you! Stay super busy!
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching!
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp
*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
Music by Epidemic Sound
#appalachiashomesteadwithpatara #preparedness #superproud
One of my favorite quotes: "When you get old enough, you understand life happens to everyone."
a lot of people are not awake. I have 5 months of food stored right now, i know that isnt really much. Still working on more. I hope to get my greenhouse up soon.
I haven't learned to can stuff yet, but I bought all the tools to do so. I know what hardship is. Thank you for helping others
I have been prepping for 10 years now and no one has ever told me that they are proud of me and my efforts! Thank you Patara! I really needed to hear that!
Another great video Patara. Thank you so much.
My in-laws built an upstairs that is separate from their downstairs and we live there, but under their house they have a root cellars where we can store our potatoes and carrots etc. The only thing is, here in Quebec the cellar gets flooded a little bit but we have shelves where during that time we put things high up.
Those babies are just too dang cute.
Hugs lady! Thank you!
I am 70 years old and my husband built me a raised garden bed last year and added to it last fall. I had a beautiful garden last year. We are going to have one hopefully this year. We live in beautiful Trinity, N.C.! I got really upset over North Korea several years ago and started to order survivor food. I have survivor food and been putting stuff back for awhile now. Honey I might have try to sell some of my drawings, lol!!. Keep doing what you do, I love it!
Canning mincemeat today. Shelves are bulging! We were made for times such as these!
Thank you so much for taking the time. I live in a house with a tiny yard in the city. But I have started doing just a little at a time and I am so grateful for you and others like you showing and encouraging! As a mother of 5 (one with medical complexities) I have no choice but to be ready! Thank you again & again.
Aww Patera. We are so thankful for all you do. And we are very proud of you too
"Your Great, great grandparents would have taken advantage of every single 'LUXURY' had they had the opportunity to. They would have done things just the same because the HUMAN SPIRIT is to SURVIVE! It's just they were placed in a different time… and you've been placed HERE for a reason! Your time is NOW! Make 'em proud!" Patera Nothing else need be said.
Debbie-Texas. THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Talking with my husband , " Honey they don't get it! I'm scared for them,, they think its funny…." hearts this old lady's heart. Thanking the Lord our kids do get it. We've had hard times doing all we can not to go there again!!! Proud of you as if you were one of mine!!!
I found this channel a few weeks ago and didn’t know what to think about you. I didn’t even know there was a word “Patara”. I live on an acreage in Oklahoma and have horses, Pyrenees, kitties, ducks, and a garden. I used to think you were preaching AT me. Now I’m listening to you preach to me. Could you hug my neck just one more time?!
So we caught on to using the curbside at Walmart, let me tell you much stuff isn't on shelf is held for that and deal's you don't know like my $0.33 store brand jello and needing to cool down with grandkids were doing 3 set's each of all the Easter peeps putting them to be dehydrated but keep space being they expand double size and crunch puff fun. Put on plastic mesh before doing after done put into air tight containers.
We love you and are proud of you!! You keep us going. A lot of my families preparedness is because of you.
I've been stocking up on some things. I can, I garden. I've been suggesting to my family to stock up. They weren't aware of what foods come from Ukraine and why the u.s. might be short on goods. They weren't aware. People need to be pushed to prepare. The younger generation aren't quite Aware! Thank you for what you Do! Nancy from nebraska
Yes! You are an inspiration!! No person ever knows another's history…. it is so much! I learn so much from you! I have a little place, with just a deck, but I do know how to grow … and I am building out lattice thingies to support our just a small bit of a garden … I love it!!
I grow up with all my brothers and brother-in-laws working with my dad in construction, some did the electrical others did plumbing but all where carpenters . Some of my sisters work outside the home and some took care of the children. We took care of a very large garden, raised chickens, turkeys, and hogs. And weekends where for canning or butching. I have 4 brothers and 6 sisters. I am the youngest and there is 27 years between the oldest and me. I grow up having neices and nephews older than me but even when we worked we had fun. The one thing I never will forget is being told we had to weed a part of the garden before we could go to the swimming hole.