STORE BOUGHT POTATOES TEST RESULTS for planting. See what happens after testing for 12 days.
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: Baker Creek
I always appreciate your passion for growing, it literally comes through the screen!!!… in my experience potatoes are the best calorie to work ratio of all the plants… followed by winter squash then Dry beans… if anyone needs suggestions the Tahitian Melon Squash is very tasty and it stores for 9 months in the basement no problem! and the "good mother stallard" beans are the most flavorful and prolific of the Dry beans I grow…. thanks Mark!
Thanks Mark I will use the bag method.
Thank you again and always Mark. The one in the bag did you place it in a dark or light area for the 12 days?
Your friend Australia.
Seed potatoes are more expensive because they are tested to be free of blight.
Store bought and saved potatoes carry a risk, but for gardeners it's minimal.
It’s possible growth inhibitors are sprayed on some produce but I’ve never had issues getting non-organic potatoes to sprout either. I often see the non-organic potatoes chitting on their own in the store. And of course they sprout non-stop from the peelings in my compost bin. Potatoes can’t be stopped lol
I little off-topic question: Have you ever tried to get sweet potato slips from a non-organic sweet potato? I am trying to start slips now and I cannot find an organic sweet potato. I am trying with a non-organic one for now, and will try with an organic one once I can get my hands on one. I always hear that they are sprayed and won't sprout, but I also heard that about non-organic garlic which was not true for my garlic.
I got my french fingerlings seed potatoes two days ago. They have sprouted before and the sprouts mostly dried out. Can I assume these seeds are still good to plant? Thanks. BTW I am curious, how do you water your farm?
Same way I started my seed garlic 3 years ago.
i've planted "store" potatoes many times in a community garden to prove it works fine, especially since.. the ones I get are already well sprouted. I mean, they say there's an inhibiter and I pick up one with large spouts on it and say.. Not working so well is it?
Thank you for encouraging more and more people to grow food without breaking the bank