March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Meet the Beetles! Biological Control of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Learn about Laricobius nigrinus–the hemlock woolly adelgid predator beetle–and its role as a biological control for HWA

Landowners, landscapers, farmers, forest stewards, gardeners and naturalists, join us for this exciting event culminating years of work and research by Dr. McBug (entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald) and his team working on the introduction and propagation of the Laricobius nigrinus predator beetle and its role in protecting our hemlocks.

Dr. McBug and agents from Watauga, Ashe, and Avery County Cooperative Extension are presenting their findings and recommendations on Tuesday, April 12th from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm at the Watauga County Agricultural Conference Center, 252 Poplar Grove Road, for a hands-on and classroom workshop.

9:00 Introductions & overview of HWA (hemlock woolly adelgid)/past conditions/history lessons, HWA in the landscape (Dr. Richard McDonald)

9:30 “Meet the beetles Outdoors”–How to sample for beetles ‘show and tell’.
Beetle biology, life cycle, prevalence in the landscape, role in HWA control. (Dr. Richard McDonald)

10:15 “Meet the beetles Indoors”–
Using microscope & UV light to check for presence (Dr. Richard McDonald)

10:45 2021 Laricobius survey results from Watauga County
(Blake Williams, Ashe County Cooperative Extension)

11:15 Treatment options: Biological vs Chemical (Lear Powell, Arborist; Jerry Moody, Avery County Cooperative Extension; Dr. Jim Hamilton, Watauga County Cooperative Extension)

11:45 Considerations for hemlocks with adelgid AND dealing with elongate hemlock scale (Lear Powell, Arborist; Jerry Moody, Avery County Cooperative Extension; Dr. Jim Hamilton, Watauga County Cooperative Extension)

12:30 Q&A and closure

Our new workshop format welcomes live participants via and our YouTube channel. No registration is necessary.

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