Should have worn gloves when cutting the pepper, my fingers were still spicy the next day after this
I’m super happy that this one turned out great. I had to save it as a 500K special thank you to everyone for subscribing and watching!
Worlds hottest chili Carolina Reaper has an average heat level of 1,6 million scoville and the hottest individual peppers is measured at 2,2 million scoville.
I’m trying to grow my facebook page, so if you want you can follow boxlapse over there as well!
(between 0:56 and 1:04 there are a few clips missing so the days are sped up to compensate for them. The days are accurate for the other parts of the video)
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Yes! I’ve always wanted these videos to keep going until the fruit grows too, I love it, keep up the good work!
I’d love to know how you prepare your soil for planting.
I mean you can’t eat it but I love the Timelapse and ur vids they are both super awesome!
why not use a drip irrigation system?
It looked like the plant struggled a little bit
Is this just me?
It grew so fast? Damnn
I have a tomato plant named Napoleon.
I was inspired to start growing a victory garden because of this channel
I freaked out at the beginning of this because you had no gloves on. Reapers are absolutely DEADLY. Sorry you had to learn that the hard way in the days after lol.
I like how the plant decides to take a short pause after growing for every few days… Like its saying, "yep… Come this far, time to doze off a bit and then we can again start our hard labour of photosynthesizing "
I wonder if the leaves are spicy
I watch this guy every day and now da Carolina R E A P E R
You have an awesome channel!
Congrats! 500k subscribers!
Why i feel hot in my mouth….
What's the climate control like where you grow these plants? I want to try growing something like this in my office, where it's normally between 70-80°F and about 40% humidity. Would that work for something like peppers and/or tomatoes?
They look like really angry habaneros.
So cool that you don't actually have to buy the seeds to grow these things, you really have just what you need by buying the fruit or vegetable
I used to always think that you had to get the seeds from when they were small or dried out or something, and that the seeds in most produce we buy isn't viable for growing another of its kind, lol. That might still be the case with some things, I suppose.
I am pretty sure you are working on 4 – 5 time-lapses right now.
I also have a Carolina reaper in my garden of apartment
I love how it grew up in two main branches
Soil mix used? Basic potting mix or added something
Loved the strings music!
How much time it take to make the video
You should pollinate them with a q-tip
Pepper plants are so beautiful.
Yes! I've been waiting for this. Grew one last year and its still striving today