March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Has it come to buying plants by the truckload? | VLOG

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Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:


29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Has it come to buying plants by the truckload? | VLOG

  1. I know that Fort Jackson Army base is right outside Columbia. My son did basic training there and theres also Parris island so could very well have been from that base!

  2. When I was a child, we had these little pink roses growing on our fence. I remember the fragrance as so exquisite. And for years, I searched to find that same marvelous scent. But alas, the rose seems to have evolved into physical beauty without the fragrance. What's up with that?

  3. I had to grin when you talked about patience. Last Christmas I bought hundreds of bulbs to surprise my spouse and was going to plant them in a large hill that was bare and faced our kitchen. I planted the small spring bulbs like snowdrops and dwarf irises. In the back, I put daffodils a along the border. The middle, I was going to fill with tulips, but I stopped right then and planted the tulips in containers instead because I thought I would get faster blooms from them and protect them from squirrels…..I was so worried about losing a few bulbs to animals, I didn't get anything, because nothing came up in the containers. This spring, the daffodils and hyacinths bulbs I planted last year are so gorgeous compared to last year, and I am really mourning the fact I held on to my best plants, my tulips, afraid to share them with the animals and too impatient to just put them in the earth and let them bloom as God intended. Lesson learned. The time between planting one year and the second year of life is so much less than you think, it seems like a blink of the eye. I will have some patience this year for the things I plant that will gift me even more NEXT spring.

  4. Probably not what you had in mind, but I love having a wash station in my garden shed. My last shed had a square galvanized tub that fit down into the counter with a drain hose to a bucket underneath. I kept a couple vintage pitchers on hand to provide water. I could see that clawfoot bathtub with an old time metal or enamel sink with the attached drain area mounted over the tub, and draining into the tub which then drained into a water catchment. Also a few metal wire racks or colanders suspended over the tub so you could drain things you had soaked. Have you thought of putting gutters and a rain barrel on the greenhouse? They could be integrated to provide water for the wash tub station.

  5. Jess you are exploding life into that land and it's glorious to see the joy it brings you. I get such warm cosy feels watching you glow with the joy of seeing so much life and promise. Thank you so much for sharing 😀

  6. I used to work in a wholesale propagation nursery, we would grow large pots of "stock" plants, these were the ones we would take cuttings from in spring and autumn (depending on species) to propagate for eventual sale. The cuttings would be prepared dipped in rooting hormone and put quite close together in trays (similar to how you do your tomatoes) and placed in the igloos (hot houses) which had a bit of humidity, then once roots had formed they would be separated into plugs, and grown on from there. There were quite alot that didnt take, so always strike more than you think you need. It wasnt a complicated process just time consuming when you are taking and making cuttings by the hundreds.

  7. I'm with you Strawberry Rhubarb. Oh my goodness my kids will not eat store bought, only Mom's Jam & syrup recipe. You can't find syrup in the store anyway.
    I'd love to grow. Can you container grow it or do you need a ton of containers?

  8. McEntire Joint National Guard Base will be relocating their F-16 fighter jets and some of the operations to Columbia Metropolitan Airport on a temporary basis for the next six months.

  9. Looking forward to your roses and seeing your property take shape! However, I must add YIKES to the tubers you purchased on Etsy I think you said. They might be Chinese artichokes, but in the video they look very, very similar to Florida Betony. You can eat the betony as well, but most people fight it as it's TERRIBLY invasive and will come up in every nook and cranny – even 2.5 feet up through a hole in the bottom of a deep pot to reach the light – steal space and attention from anything you plant, take over any grass area you might LIKE to have grass vs a garden in…and well….you get the point. When I was a kid and there were fewer on the family property, we would dig up the roots along with wild onions and cook them in an old pot over a small fire then eat them. (think Swiss Fam Rob adventure era). As an adult, I know they are edible but get VERY frustrated as you can't clear an area of them at all! They are the epitome of invasive…so plant with caution please!

  10. I'm sure I mentioned sometime previously that I grow rhubarb and I'm Zone 9B Southern California. It's now in its 3rd season and I'm harvesting stalks that are easily an inch thick. I harvest all summer long. Edited to add that I don't know why you can't grow it. I don't understand why people think it can't be grown in the heat. Anyway, Happy Easter and God Bless You and your family.

  11. Living close to David Austen roses in Shropshire England,it’s an absolutely fantastic day out,love visiting there. Gives you the full idea of exactly how they will turn out.

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