Do you want to start enjoying harvests from your garden as soon as possible? This video highlights 10 crops you can harvest in under 2 months, with the first ready in only 2 weeks! Imagine being able to harvest 10 different vegetables in 8 weeks – that is a lot of food!!! Many of them also offer alternative types of harvests, giving your even more tasty food and choice.
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#selfsufficiency #vegetablegardening #permaculture
crop 1 0:00
crop 2 0:44
crop 3 1:24
crop 4 1:50
crop 5 2:38
crop 6 3:15
crop 7 3:58
crops 8 & 9 4:39
crop 10 6:24
Dude Kale in under 2 months?! hmmmm
Nice one… Thanks.
Quick question… is it better to grow cucumbers hanging or vertical from the ground (in a greenhouse)
Thanks ^_^
Hello Huw !! What about electroculture ? I'm not going to let you go without testing it
It can be done without changing anything from what you actualy learned and do, this is complementary Try it and Show us pleeeassee !!
Hello, Huw, my favorite way to eat courgette flowers is in a white flour Quesadilla, I chopped small tomato and a small onion (or chives/green onions w/e its available) and I add cheese to a tortilla, and the courgette flower.and lightly toast the tortilla until the mozzarella cheese its melted add my little chapped tom and onion with a little lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt and enjoy.
I am enjoying your new book! I am wondering about the wild garlic that you mentioned 2 videos back. Does it form a small bulb? Or eaten for garlicky leaves?
Your pak choi is so nice that normally i'd suspect it was bought from the store and stuck in the ground like in tv shows where they have gardens with all supermarket produce aisle sized stuff stuck in the soil.
I have my little radishes popping up, but Upstate NY is supposed to get a foot of SNOW!!! (in April ) I hope my poor little guys don't get too cold down there!
I love watching your videos!
last year i messed up peas, they sprouted but never produced much… I'm giving it another go this year, wish me luck!
"cima" C pronounce like "ch" in "child", i pronounce like "e" in "eleven" , "ma" like "mamma"
Huw, I hope you can answer a burning question that I've had since I was a little girl and the fastest bush bean picker in the family: Does it matter if you snap the bean off just below the top stem, or whether you detach the bean from the plant with the top stem still on? Thank you from Wisconsin.
spinach also overwinters great! i put some in the empty beds in pretty late autumn and they've grown quite big now and i've been able to pluck leaves for many weeks so far
Hi Huw! Watching your videos from north Idaho, USA.
Not to forget that the leaves of radishes are highly nutritious and can be used in stir-fries. The flowers of courgettes can be stuffed with mashed potato and then sauteed, or put into soups and stews.
Your videos are SO helpful, Huw. With delicate green leaves, I get a lot of trouble with flea beetle damage–the leaves are just full of holes! Can you recommend anything for this? I am thinking of companion planting allium with things as I think maybe they don't like the onion smell…. Thanks.
Silly question but chopped up bits spread around won't attract slugs?
Is called quarantina because means 40 in Italian and yes it growns very fast. I love zucchini flowers i stuff with mozzarella, anchiovy annd basil , and fry.
I've been growing the topset onions (Catawissa and Egyptian Walking Onion) for years. One thing I like to do is take the biggest topsets when I harvest them in July and plant them in September. By late October you get a nice crop of green onions.
Are you in the UK? Its cold this year in Canada.
Thank you
I had no idea zucchini flowers are edible! What a great way to mitigate the over abundance of fruit!