This video features a very simple yet effective approach for watering your tomato seedlings to give them a fantastic head start and set them up for a very productive tomato season. The great thing about this technique is that it can be applied to other crops as well, however, the focus is on tomatoes as this is the top crop to do it for. Being such a crucial harvest for so many gardeners, I really hope this trick will give you as much tomato success as possible!
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#growingtomatoes #gardeningtips #growyourown
My tomato plants have just finished here in Thailand, I composted the last of them today. Even though we are in the northern hemisphere, it is now getting too hot for tomatoes. I had a bumper crop after following your tips in your previous "tomato growing" vids. I managed to puree a lot down and store in mason jars, so I can make sauces as and when. Thanks for the fantastic tips Huw.
How would you go about this in a hot climate?
It’s still two months before I can put my tomatoes outside but I will keep these tips in mind. Thank you!
I always cut back all the low branches that might have water splashing on them during the growing season. This helps stave off the viruses and other soul borne diseases.
im in my second year of zero watering on the allotment ………just the initial water in hole before i plant and then thats it…..
Such a beautiful video with an excellent explanation!
I add the juice from canned mackerel. The cats eat the mackerel, and the tomatoes love the nutrients…
Also with tomatoes they can easily make roots from their stems, so when you're planting them, bury part of the stem as well.
It looks like they're tiny at first but they're that much farther ahead
Thank you for the tips, Huw. It’s still too early to plant out my tomatoes in Colorado, but I am looking forward to implementing your lessons.
Last year my tomatoes suffered with blight. Is there anything we can do to safeguard them from blight?
Thank you Huw. I have been following your videos for some time. This is basically what I do with my tomatoes and had a very good crop again this year. I do have an additional step, which with the extremely long summer and record temperatures in NZ this year, really paid . I bury a bottle with small holes in the bottom between every two plants and water through the bottle every 4 days. I apply soluble fertiliser through this system as well.
No "8 tips" guide embedded in this vid.
mind blowing, tnx for info that is needed
Does it work with tomatoes grown in containers?
My grandad told me a tip with watering tomatoes.
Put a small pot with drainage holes as close to the stem as reasonable and water exclusively into that.
I'm going to try it out this year with my crop and as recommended in this video, do a deep water once every 5 days to see if I can encourage the roots.
Great video Huw. Watering deeply is the key and drive the roots down. Sometimes you have to be a little mean to plants because they don't know what is good for them in the long haul
Hello Huw. Very interesting tips. Thank you. Do you use earthworm humus?
Thank you for NOT going through all the steps of the act of planting the tomatoes lol. Tired of gardening videos saying "best way to grow spectacular blah blah blah" and its just a 20 min video of them putting seeds in a tray lol. Thank you
What is the plant behind your back with the yellow flower. I am in New Zealand and it is totally invasive in our garden!
Very useful, even for a novice.
Feeding plants