Today we show you in detail how to plant a fruit tree, both potted and bare root. We also show you how to prune the tree after you have planted it.
Bare Root Fruit Tree- 00:17
Potted Fruit Tree- 14:01
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Thank you. I am so happy you show how to plant these fruit trees. I just put mine in the ground yesterday. I got them bareroot. However, I used those hot fertilizer (13-13-13) mixing with peat moss and local dirt. Should I remove, wash off the root and replant them? I hope I don't burn my tree roots.
Is plnating on an incline okay?
James , how to you and tuck handle peach tree borer ?
I'm really really loving the tree planting and information! Thank you James!
Hint-o-rama. Dig out a hole about 4 or 5 times wider than the pot. Make sure it is a jagged or square hole, not a circle. Set it in, with the shoulder of the root (just below the graft) about 3 inches higher than the surrounding soil. Backfill (as you do) with the soil gently sloping down from the shoulder to the surrounding soil. Mulch, keep the are weed free.
Your tree will girth out and grow in leaps and bounds.
Lots of love!
Edit: the square or jagged hole prevents the roots from growing in a circle, like they do in a pot. The roots will penetrate through a square or jagged hole way better.
Let’s go! You’re the best dude… love your videos!
This was so helpful – thank you, James! Can you please do a video on how to prune a young pomegranate tree? I just got a couple and have no clue how to prune them. Thanks!
I’m looking to get peach trees but I’m not moving till summer. Would I be able to by bare root and put in pots temporarily outside?
Hello James! Another timely, great video! My grape vine is germinating, and my Nikita's Gift persimmon tree is about to sprout out as well. I've got some spring plants already germinating. It is that time. Greetings to you from the Motherland that is Kentucky! Kentucky Derby is in two weeks. Take care!
That handprint at 21:25 tho. Will be fun to watch these trees grow up. Any stone fruit coming? I live in a more peachy clime.
Love your content – thank you, how about this!
First year they sleep,
Second year they creep,
Third year they leap,
Forth year you reap!
lol what was Tuck digging up.. what a cutie he is
Thank you James!
How does this planting change when you are faced with heavy clay?
Watching from work on my break, love all your videos man, I'm so motivated to start my own food forest.
Highly recommend Cummins Nursery to those looking for bare root trees. They have hundreds upon hundreds of varieties of fruit trees, plus full and detailed information about each variety, including equired cross-pollinators, rootstock options, etc. I just received four bare root apples from them this week, and they look amazing. Their prices and shipping costs are also better than many other companies. One caveat, though, is that you have to order early to get exactly what you want. The trees I received in April are ones I ordered last June.
Just got my 8 new fruit trees Thanks for the knowledge
I live in Washington state and order from rain tree nursery and also burnt ridge nursery they really close to each other and both have quality products.
I love these kinds of videos. Now I know what to do when I'm able to get a fruit tree and you made it easy to follow.
Come on stop acting this fake smile. Content cool but this… brake everything
I like to pot my trees for a year and keep them in a mostly shady area for the first few months then place them where they are going to be planted and verify they get the right amount of sunlight. I also air layer them (in spring) just to have another. Not sure if its the best way but it works for me.
Hi James. Do you have to deal with bind weed? If so how do you maintain this perennial weed? For me it is a nightmare.
Is there any way to trigger the rootstock to grow branches. I know most do not want to do that however I like to air layer rootstock trees so I can graft them.
Love to see the hard work of the tree planting and Tuck playing in the dirt aha
It was nice to watch a step by step video, because I’m a visual learner. We will be planting lots of trees for our new food forest project soon. Thank you!
So, bury the graft, right?