March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Strawberry Pools! Got my WELL Water! Planting Taters in Buckets!

Get those baby pools & 5 gallon buckets, READY! You got this!
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
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Music by Epidemic Sound


25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Strawberry Pools! Got my WELL Water! Planting Taters in Buckets!

  1. My granny did this and we always had plenty of fresh eggs. I can attest to the fact that up to 2 years it will keep the eggs fresh. You will need to ad some water from time to time. Also date the bucket so you dont forget how long you've had them in there lol. The problem is finding the hydrated lime right now. You cannot use any other type of lime….

  2. Dearest para. I watched your video on spouses not allowing the other to prepare and stock up. I have a similar situation. In prayer I asked God on this and he spoke to my heart. He said the devil is here and roaming the earth. He said a house divided could not stand. He's attacking our marriages and our homes.

  3. I can sympathize with you as I grew up in Rockland county and would "harvest the rocks every year prior to planting season. We lined the garden with the larger ones and eventually had a raised bed garden that we walked on.

  4. I've bought food grade buckets from Walmart and Uline – in fact the Encore plastics are the same brand. Check and see if the bottom of the bucket has a recycle code #2 or #5 – both are food grade.

  5. I feel the well situation. So many obstacles! We even had to cut down a tree for the drill truck to get in! We are also waiting for our hand pump which costs half of the well price!

  6. I bought seed potatos. My husband says they are too hard to plant, so instead of rows, I'll do your bucket thing. Now I have no idea when early season, season, or mid season planting is, so I'll have to look that up for my zone. but we'll try them. We don't need alot of potatoes anyway, it's not the best choice for a home with 2 diabetics, but trying to grow something new or rather in our case not tried in 10 years is worth it. thanks for the push

  7. Would you tell us a little bit about rotating crops sometime? Its confusing to me lol. I'm going to do some more research but you know you have a way of explaining things.

  8. Cannot WAIT to get our plants in the ground. Frost warning here in South Central IL. and the weather is still very chilly for this time of year. Been a weird Spring here. 70 for a day, then back down in the low 50's for highs and thirty's for lows at night. UGH. Wish we had 80 degree weather!! You are rocking it. We got our cold stuff out, but need warmer to get the other things out and growing. Garden on!

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