If you are growing onions, they are very fun and forgiving to grow. There is one thing to do when growing them thst makes all the difference!
VIDEO: Why Pruning Onions is So Important – (How to Prune Onions)
If you are growing onions, they are very fun and forgiving to grow. There is one thing to do when growing them thst makes all the difference!
Luke, it looks like you're working with seedling plantings. I've grown onions from sets. I'm assuming it's different?
Where were you 2 months ago? My onions got all tangled. Had rasta "hair". Butched back now
Thanks, I'm growing onions for the first time. I didn't know to do this! Thanks for all of your timely advice!
Hi Luke. Can’t wait for my seeds. They are going into the garden this weekend. Michigan
Thank you, Luke! I've had really big challenges with onions falling over early, and nothing I do will fix it. I'll try the pruning with my next batch of onions, for sure!!
When do you stop cutting them?
Where i live they also trim the root. I dont do that as i think it will further stress the plant. What do you think about it? Its suposed to boost growth
Thank you I need to prune my onions right now.
Luke does this apply to garlic too? I know they're different crops but thought of them because of the modified leaves
Do farmers that have multiple acres of onions prune their crop?
I kept coming back to your videos the last couple months, so I subscribed. Thanks for your helpful guidance in so many ways. Have you noticed that rabbits avoid onion plants and things around it? I am at war with rabbits eating my flowers and veggies, and I hope to find natural ways to deter them. I've had some luck with onions near things, but also sprinkling herbs like rosemary over important starts. I plant green onions around the yard…however, it still is not perfect. Any thoughts?
Nice! Should we do it with garlic too? Mine always breaks.
Do you do this with leeks too?
Must be why my onions never get big!
I've seen people ask if this applies to bunching onions too but haven't seen an answer. Does it?
it's a haircut with very delicious hair. I still prefer to root my sprouting onions and garlic.
I've never had a good onion crop. I'm going to give this a try.
Thank you! I just planted my onions outside in my garden here in Michigan! Trying to get as much done as possible! My 4’x8’ garden is now full of garlic and onions!
Oh, and my potatoes are sprouting!
Does this go for leeks also?
I’d never heard of this and have noticed my onions falling over, thanks for the tip.
Thanks for the tip Luke!
Is this tip true for green onions (scallions) too?
If my onions only have 3-4 leaves each (direct sown fall 2021) are they ok and will they continue to get new leaves as time progresses or should they have as many leaves as yours have by now? I'm zone 5b. Thanks for your info!
Can you prune chives in a similar manner?
Should we continue to prune as the season goes on?
I've grown onions for yours and did not know this. How about garlic?
Will this help grow better chives too? I was able to winter over some chives but they are staying pretty stagnant.
OMG! This explains so much about my sorry onion crops! Who knew? Thank you!
I like your channel & all you have done, but I am a bit confused right now. At first, I thought you were talking about green onions, but, as you spoke, I was not sure. I have some green onions going on three years – in bloom for their second time – & they are big, & strong. My wife thinks they are too strong for her taste… I am also starting to grow some red onion, I was almost done with a store-bought onion, & I thought… what if I plant it? It has two green stalks coming up. I am feeling that maybe I should split them & let them grow apart… what are your thoughts? I do grow small, as I live in a mobile home park & there is not much space to plant on. Working on that
Another, unrelated question… I was growing some radish in a couple containers, but they were so small, so I thought I would just let them grow some more… now, some are really tall & flowering. I tried some of them, & the radish is more spongie, no crisp snap, did /i let them go too long for usage? except for seed?…